The police with new information about the Otta murders

Two people were found dead after a stabbing in Otta on Monday. The incident took place in a residential complex outside the city centre. The perpetrator himself called the police about the incident. He is now being cared for by health personnel. The police state in a press release that several witness interviews were conducted during the night, but that the perpetrator has not yet been questioned. – It has not been clarified when the questioning of the accused can take place. The accused has been transferred to the health care system and is being cared for there, the police write. There is a scheduled detention meeting in the Østre Innlandet district court at 1 p.m. It has not been clarified whether there will be a physical prison meeting or an office meeting. Defender: The general condition is not good It was just after 6pm on Monday that the police received reports of the stabbing. In addition to a witness, it was the perpetrator who himself reported. Lawyer Anders Bjørnsen in Vågå has been appointed as the perpetrator’s defender. He tells news on Tuesday that the man is being cared for by the health care system. – He is being cared for by the health care system now. I am not competent to assess this type of health information, says Bjørnsen. He says it is about mental health issues. – The general condition when I met him was not good, and it will become a topic whether the state of health should be assessed by experts, says defender Anders Bjørnsen to news. How does he stand up to the charge? – We have not discussed that. What is the motive? – I have no idea about that, replies Bjørnsen. The local investigation manager is Kristian Plassen. – He had a lot of blood on his clothes. news has been in contact with several neighbours. A cohabiting couple who live in the housing complex, and who wish to remain anonymous, say that they are in shock after the incident: – We saw that the perpetrator was arrested. He had a lot of blood on his clothes. We first heard a lot of shouting, we think it was the police. There were two police officers. They arrested the man in the street and wanted to know “where it had happened” – where the crime scene was. – It is a shock. It’s a small street and everyone knows everyone, they continue. Another neighbour, who wishes to remain anonymous, says that the police rang doors to check if more people had died: – I have only seen lots of police officers, ambulances and firemen. It has been very quiet. I got a policeman at the door who was wondering how I was doing. The police have entered several apartments where they have not been able to find people. When I asked why, they said it was to check that there were no more dead.
