The police sound the alarm about knife threats among young people in Tromsø – news Troms and Finnmark

– Despite small numbers, we see a disturbing increase in the number of incidents involving the use of knives among children and young people in Tromsø. That’s according to Per Olav Berg, section leader for intelligence in the Troms police district. The police in Troms have registered 19 cases this autumn related to incidents of violence and threats. – Robberies and threats with a knife are not linked to specific districts, as we see it. It happens where children travel in public: to and from schools, on public transport, at youth clubs and in the city centre. – We see that children of early primary school age have been threatened with knives and exposed to violence. We see examples of children aged 12 who have threatened others with a knife, says Berg. In 2023, there have been 22 victims who have been subjected to robbery or threats with a knife where young people are the perpetrators. 19 of these conditions have occurred this autumn. Connection to adult criminal networks On Tuesday, the police in Troms held a press briefing related to incidents of violence and threats among children and young people in Tromsø. At the press conference, it was stated that the trend is for the perpetrators to become younger and younger. – Young people are allegedly put in debt to other young people or given the task of committing theft. By not carrying out these thefts on behalf of others, or by breaking the culture of secrecy, they risk being exposed to reprisals for violence. – Some of the young criminals also have connections to known adult criminal actors who are also connected to criminal networks, says the section leader for intelligence. Pointing out that parents are responsible for upbringing Police station chief in Tromsø, Anita Hermandsen, says that the development in Tromsø is a collective concern. – What is important when it comes to parents is that they do not leave their upbringing to the public. It is not the school that should raise the children, we parents have to do that ourselves. – Today we see among the perpetrators we have in Tromsø, that it is not the case that they only come from one type of family, they come from all walks of life. Police station chief in Tromsø, Anita Hermandsen. Photo: Hanne Wilhelms / news She believes that parents must set boundaries and stick to them. – We all know that everyday stress takes a toll on us, and we are concerned that it should be very pleasant and cozy when we are with the children. – Of course it should be, but we also depend on parents setting boundaries, and that is our most important message, alongside public actors to interact. – Do you have any thoughts on why this is happening? – It is a national trend, and national trends also come to Tromsø. In that sense, we are not surprised. – We had a survey last year in Tromsø about young people and knives where it was not described as a challenge as it is now. Increase in youth crime The number of criminal cases dealing with violence by young people against public officials has increased sharply in the last four years. Finnmark, Troms and Oslo have the greatest increase in youth crime. Youth environments in Tromsø and Alta have become tougher in recent years. The police believe that the environments are worse than many adults know: While young people in Swedish gang environments are afraid, youth workers say that some Norwegian young people are fascinated by the violence in Sweden.
