The police see Stockholm explosions in context – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The police suspect that criminal circles are behind it. – There has been a tendency for the networks to scare each other by throwing explosive charges and detonating them at each other’s premises, says police spokesperson Ola Österling to Sveriges Radio. On Thursday evening there was another explosion. Then an explosive charge was thrown into a block of flats in Årsta in the south of the city. No one has been reported injured, but there is splinter damage in the building. No one has been arrested after the incident, writes NTB. More explosions On Tuesday there was an explosion at a restaurant on Nytorget in the center of the Swedish capital, while on Wednesday there was an explosion in the entrance to an unoccupied building in Kista in the north-west. Furthermore, Österling says that the police have arrested ten people in connection with the explosions, and that they are suspected of, among other things, destruction that is dangerous to the public. – There is a high probability that this can be connected in one way or another to the conflicts that have resulted in several explosions, attempted murders and murders, says Österling to TT. On Tuesday there was an explosion at a restaurant on Nytorget in the center of the Swedish capital. Photo: NTB
