The police retrieve data from Tesla after wild taxi driving – news Vestland

The police state that they are extracting data from the Tesla that smashed an outdoor restaurant and crashed in the center of Bergen on the night of Saturday. This is stated by the West police district in a press release on Tuesday afternoon. The case is still under investigation, and the police are now working on two main hypotheses. These are technical failure or user failure. – So far we have interviewed witnesses at the scene, secured video and questioned the taxi driver. We cannot say anything more about what has emerged so far beyond pointing to the aforementioned hypotheses, the police write. news has tried to get in touch with Tesla for a comment since Saturday, but they have not yet responded to our inquiries. Will retrieve data The police will now secure as much information as possible about the car’s movements and technical condition in the time before and during the accident itself. – On that occasion, the police will obtain vehicle data from Tesla. We hope this will be able to provide us with important information, they write. The Swedish Road Administration also gets involved to examine the car. When this will happen is currently not clear.
