The police request remand – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

This is what Karin Rosander at the Public Prosecutor’s Office’s press service tells news. This is also confirmed in a press release from the public prosecutor’s office. No new information has yet been given about the murdered woman, but both the male suspect and the victim are Norwegian citizens. The murdered woman was found in a freezer and had probably been there for several years. To NTB, the man’s defender Stefan Liliebäck says that his client has currently been requested to be detained for 14 days. The man’s defender Stefan Liliebäck. He goes on to say that the man has been questioned and answered the questions he has been asked, but cannot go into details about the questioning. The prison hearing will take place in the Värmland district court’s premises in Karlstad today at 15.00. Rosander will not say anything more about the woman, or about the case, until after the meeting. Arrested after discovery of body parts The Norwegian man in his 50s was arrested on Saturday and charged with murder and desecration. The man denies criminal guilt. Body parts from a woman had then been found in a freezer at the man’s home in Värmland. The woman, who is in her 60s, is said to be his former partner. According to the police, the body parts have been stored there for several years. According to sources that Aftonbladet has spoken to, she may have been dead for as long as eight years. The police house in Karlstad, where the detention meeting will take place this afternoon. Photo: Sverre Holm-Nilsen / news Previously convicted The two moved to Sweden together over ten years ago, and have both been registered at the same address since then. According to news, the Norwegian in his 50s has previously been convicted in both Norway and Sweden. Supposed to have told about the woman himself According to the newspaper Aftonbladet, it was the man himself who told that the woman was lying dead at his home. When the police entered the remote farm in Värmland, they found the woman in her 60s dismembered and placed in a freezer. The farm of the accused Norwegian is located in Värmland and is deserted. Photo: Sverre Holm-Nilsen / news
