The police reconstruct collision on the pavement in Steinkjer – news Trøndelag

A man in his 30s has been charged with premeditated murder and two attempted murders. The police will find out whether the man may have tried to run over several people with the white van in the center of Steinkjer on the night of 9 April. – What we want to find out is whether more people have been exposed to attempted collisions, says investigative leader Øyvind Jørgensen at Trøndelag police district. On Thursday, the police will carry out a reconstruction of the collision together with three witnesses. Necessary to go through the incident Kongens gate is closed to both traffic and the public for six hours until 2:30 p.m., says police attorney Line Dreier Ramberg. – We have conducted witness interviews at the police station, but see that reconstruction is necessary on the spot to bring out the details of the explanations, she says. Parts of the main street in Steinkjer will be closed for six hours on Thursday, while the reconstruction is underway. Photo: Rita Kleven During the reconstruction, they will take a closer look at an incident that must have happened just before the collision occurred. – We will try to clarify whether there have been several attempts at collisions, she says. The police also have video of what happened from parts of the incident and the driving. Will question man again A man in his 30s has pleaded guilty. He agreed last week to four more weeks of remand. The man does not participate in the reconstruction of the incident. Investigation leader Øyvind Jørgensen says he will be questioned again in the near future. Investigation leader Øyvind Jørgensen says they will conduct new interviews in the near future of the man charged in the case. Photo: Rita Kleven The police have taken blood samples from the man, but will not say anything about this now. – What we know is that there has been alcohol involved in the picture, and it has been a topic to highlight, says Jørgensen. The police have focused on questioning everyone who witnessed the collision, and they have focused on electronic traces and video surveillance of the incident and what happened before and after. A total of 60 people have been questioned after the incident. Many witnesses to the incident have been interviewed. Three witnesses are involved in the reconstruction. Photo: Rita Kleven
