The police offered interrogation without sound and image – accused refused – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

This is stated by police attorney Børge Enoksen at a press conference on Wednesday. The police have offered the accused to conduct interrogations without sound and image. This is because they feel that it is urgent to find out if there are assistants. – We offered the accused such an interrogation based on the situation we are in and the importance of finding out if there may be more partners in the background, he states. Police attorney Børge Enoksen. Photo: Artur do Carmo / news – We are looking to get denied or confirmed if he was alone about it. Therefore, we have relaxed the requirements for questioning we usually have. The accused did not want to be questioned. – He has chosen to exercise his right not to explain himself. It affects us in the sense that we would like to have his explanations of cause, course of events and motive. Police are nevertheless sure that the accused was alone in carrying out the actual attack on Saturday night. – We are still unsure whether the accused may have had accomplices prior to the attack, Enoksen says. Observed at the restaurant before the attack The police are now going out with information that Matapour got off the tram at the scene at 01:12. Here, Zaniar Matapour is alone on the tram before the shooting. Photo: The police He must then have been alone. 57 seconds later, he fires the first shot, showing videos and information the police have collected. Here, Zaniar Matapour is on his way from the tram to the scene. Photo: The police They also show pictures of Zaniar Matapour at a nightclub around 16:10 on Friday afternoon. He was then wearing a blue t-shirt, and is said to have pulled the yellow t-shirt he was caught in over this one. Police will not say if he was alone at this restaurant. – It is also important to map whether he has been alone, and his circle of acquaintances, but now I can not comment on whether he was alone at the restaurant, Enoksen says to news. Calling for witnesses and videos The police are now urging everyone who was within a defined area in central Oslo at the time around the attack to get in touch. The police want to get an overview of people who were in this area at the time around the shooting. Photo: The police They also encourage the public who are sitting on photo and video material to contact the police. The police want to find out how many victims there are in addition to those who have been killed and injured. – We therefore work to visualize exactly where people were, says Enoksen.
