The police in Bangladesh shoot with sharp fire at demonstrators in Dhaka – Latest news – news

20 July 2024 at 09:41 AFP: The police in Bangladesh are firing live ammunition at demonstrators in Dhaka Police are firing live ammunition at students demonstrating in Bangladesh’s capital Dhaka, according to eyewitnesses. On Friday, a nationwide curfew was introduced in Bangladesh, where at least 105 people have been killed and over 700 injured in clashes between protesters and security forces in the past week. The country’s armed forces have been deployed to stop the protests, which have now spread to almost half of the country’s districts, writes NTB. Earlier this week, protesters set fire to several public buildings in Dhaka, including the headquarters of the country’s broadcaster. On Friday, students stormed a prison and freed the inmates before setting fire to the facility. The students protest, among other things, that 30 percent of all public positions are reserved for family members of those who fought in the war of independence against Pakistan in 1971. Close to 20 percent of the country’s 170 million inhabitants are without a job, and among young people under the age of 24, unemployment is over 40 percent .
