The police hold a press conference about the triple murder in Nes on Friday – Greater Oslo

– It is still a priority task to provide as many answers as possible in this case, including what triggered these actions, says police inspector Grete Lien Metlid. She meets the press at the police station in Oslo on Friday. There, she informs news that several weapons have been found at the address. But the man only had one licence, according to the police. The police assume they have found the murder weapon among the weapons they have found. But the crime scene is difficult for the police to investigate. – There is significant fire damage in the house, says Metlid. Having applied for access to the health history, Metlid says the police are still taking a number of steps to obtain information about the accused. Among other things, they have sought access to the accused’s health history. – The police need time to carry out all these investigations, says Metlid. Police inspector in the Oslo police district, Grete Lien Metlid. Photo: Rolf Petter Olaisen / news Nor can they currently say anything more about the motive for the murders, or whether there has been any conflict between those involved. – Interrogations are taking place today which may be important. We are also still waiting for health history, says Metlid, and adds: – We will constantly expand who we talk to. We start with the closest, and gradually expand. Then we will see if we want to bring in more people over time, such as healthcare personnel or others. Sent patrols from several police districts She says that it was the Innlandet police district that received the first call about the murders. According to the police, this is a result of the geographical location the call came from, i.e. the address in Nes. The conversation was logged between 11.15 and 11.16 on Tuesday. – It was a short conversation. Inlandet then contacts the East police district, and has the call transferred. Then no one answers at the other end, i.e. the accused does not answer. Both East and Innlandet police districts sent patrols to the address after the call. The police are now going through all the information from both police districts. They also go through the audio log. – The highest priority now is to understand and form a picture of what has happened in the home, and to shed light on what may have triggered this, says Metlid. Death from gunshot wounds The police announced on Thursday that all four who were found in the home in Skogbygda in Nes municipality earlier this week died from gunshot wounds. One of them, a 65-year-old man, is accused of murdering his two daughters and his grandson. The youngest daughter, aged 24, lived in the house with her parents. The eldest sister, who turned 30, had moved away from home. The man also shot a dog in the family home. Have created a gathering place in Årnes Many gathered outside the local convenience store in Skogbygda to light candles and lay roses after the incident. The municipality has also arranged for a gathering place at Bautaen in Årnes. Photo: Elin Brede Kristiansen – There are many people who want to show care and support in this tragic time. We see that there is a great need for them to reach out, but not everyone makes it to Skogbygda. That’s what communications manager in Nes municipality, Elin Brede Kristiansen, says. – There were both older and younger people who said yesterday that they were grateful that it was arranged for that at Årnes as well. On Sunday, a funeral service will be held in Ingeborgrud church. It will be streamed. The church is also open on Friday and Saturday evenings from 6 to 8 p.m. Kristiansen says the municipality is prepared to receive those who need it at the weekend as well. – We always have an emergency room when there are incidents like this, and you can get in touch there. In the church, there will be both a priest and other professionals present, she says, and adds: – And all the neighbors too. Here, people are good at playing tricks on each other.
