The police have started a murder investigation – Latest news – news

2 January 2024 at 22:47 Stavern: The police have started a murder investigation An investigation has started following the discovery of a dead person in Stavern, they write in a press release. – The police received a report at 18:11 on Tuesday evening from family members who were concerned about a relative they had not been in contact with. Based on this report, the police went to an address in Stavern outside Larvik. At the address, the patrol found a dead man, says police attorney Ole Jacob Garder. The deceased has not been identified, but the police have a guess as to who it may be. The next of kin have been notified with the caveat that the police are not sure of the identity. Findings at the scene meant that the police are now investigating the incident as a murder. – A woman related to the dead man has been charged with murder, but the police have no control over this person on Tuesday evening, Garder says.
