The police have sent their recommendation to the state attorney – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

– The State Attorney has received the recommendation and will now process it. It is too early to say anything about when we will send our proposal to the Attorney General, but the goal is for this to happen well before the pre-arranged trial, says Acting State Attorney Thale Thomseth in a press release. Thale Thomseth, Acting State Attorney. Photo: Olav Røli It is the Attorney General who makes the final decision on whether to press charges. – This means that we must have an idea about the evidence in the case before the Attorney General can make his assessments, Thomseth tells news. The trial has been scheduled in advance and will begin on 31 October in the Haugaland district court in Haugesund. Almost a year since the charge – This means that we have completed the investigation, says police inspector Unni Byberg Malmin. She will not comment further on what the police’s proposal contains, or whether the police are asking for charges to be brought. Unni Byberg Malmin, police inspector. Photo: Odin Omland / news – It is now up to the state attorney to assess the investigation that has been carried out, she says. A few days shy of a year since the man in his 50s was charged in the case. At the time, he was also given the status of a suspect in the Tina Jørgensen murder. At the beginning of July, the police said that they had questioned the accused man about the Birgitte Tengs case for the last time. He was then not questioned about the murder of Tina Jørgensen for several months. Jørgensen to be investigated further In mid-August, the police announced that the man had also been charged with Jørgensen’s murder. This was referred to as a change in status that occurred because the police had used a covert investigation against the man. – In the Tina Jørgensen case, the investigation continues, says Malmin. Interrogation of the accused man remains, among other things. According to Malmin, it has not been agreed when the police will carry out new interrogations about the Jørgensen case. – We will investigate this further regardless of the outcome in the Birgitte Tengs case, she says. Acting public prosecutor Thale Thomseth tells news that it is another public prosecutor who is responsible for the Jørgensen case. The man’s defender, Stian Kristensen, tells news that it is natural that the police have now sent a recommendation. – It is a completely natural consequence of the work that has been done, and our man has waited a long time to get a clarification.
