The police have dismissed Jessica’s suicide in Bredtveit women’s prison in Oslo – Greater Oslo

31-year-old Jessica’s life ended in Bredtveit prison in Oslo in March last year. Both inmates and staff witnessed the Canadian woman take her own life. It happened a few days after she was handed a sentence of more than three years in prison. The police have now dropped the investigation into her death. The family in Canada marked the first anniversary of their daughter’s death in March, among other things, with this banner. Sofie Grøndahl at Elden law firm tells news. – The criminal case has been dismissed with the dismissal code ‘No criminal matter’, she says. The police have not yet responded to news’s ​​inquiries about the case. Considering the lawsuit, Grøndahl says the family is disappointed, and will appeal the closure. – No one has been held criminally responsible after her death. That is the subject of the complaint, she says. The family has notified several times that they are considering legal action. They will decide on that when the complaint has been processed, according to Grøndahl. Jessica’s mother, Lori, has sent a comment to news via her lawyer. She says the family is both disappointed and shocked by the closure. – In our opinion, this is not right, and those involved must be held responsible for their actions – or lack of action, she says. Lori (left) with her daughter Jessica. Mother and daughter met for the last time shortly before Jessica traveled to Norway in 2022. Photo: Privat Venta almost a year The family believes the death could have been prevented. In their view, the daughter did not get the help she was entitled to. The police started an investigation after several reminders from the family’s lawyers. But as news reported in April, the first interrogations were only carried out in February. Almost a year after Jessica’s death. Both the family and their lawyer then reacted to the use of the police’s time. A few months later, the case was dismissed. – We will appeal the decision, as we believe the police investigation was not thorough enough, says Jessica’s mother Lori. She is now asking that the police reopen the case and go through all the information again. Termination of supervision Several inmates have told news that Jessica changed her demeanor in the days before she died. And when news was there on Women’s Day on March 8, three days before, Jessica was noticeably unwell. In a recording news is sitting on, you can hear her shouting and expressing that she is scared. An employee then tries to calm her down. news knows that Jessica’s mental health was a topic among staff in the prison also in the days before the suicide. The state administrator opened an investigation after the suicide to investigate the help Jessica received. They have now closed the case. And has concluded that Jessica received proper help, according to lawyer Grøndahl. – Their justification is that follow-up and treatment in the specialist healthcare service was mainly in line with good practice, she says. The family remembers Jessica as a happy and caring woman. Among other things, she worked as a nurse in her native Canada. Photo: Private Published 22.08.2024, at 1 p.m
