The police have control of a student who ran after people with a knife on Støren – news Trøndelag

The student with a knife escaped from the school, and was apprehended at 12.19 by the fire brigade. He is described as very young. No one was reported injured. Rector Arnt-Inge Nilsen at Støren primary school says that the incident was handled well. – We had to call the police who have helped us. We have all the support schemes in place now. The psychosocial team will reach out to the students and tell them what has happened, Nilsen says. The school is now talking to all the students. – We have complete control of the situation and no one was in danger, says the principal. – It is always sad when something unusual happens, but we handle it well. Tackle it well The police assessed the incident as ongoing life-threatening violence (PLIVO). Task leader Ketil Stene says that the student was arrested some distance from the school at 12.19. It was the fire service that got control of the student. – The arrest was undramatic, and he gave up what he had with him, Stene says. – We now have contact with the municipality’s crisis team. They follow up the student who has done it here, teachers and students who have been exposed to it. The police are now at the school and talking to students and teachers who were present. – We try to form a picture of what has happened and who has been exposed, then this is treated by the child welfare service further. We still talk to students, but things indicate that they have coped well, says Stene. VERY YOUNG: The student is described as very young. The police now have control over the person. Photo: tipser Was asked to keep the children inside The police write in a press release that they have control of the stabbing weapon, which is described as a large knife. Nearby schools and kindergartens were asked to keep the children indoors. The student was observed by staff at the school when he later moved away from the school and eventually gave up the stabbing weapon before he was taken control of. – The police perceived this as a very serious situation and would praise employees at the school who gave quick notice and took measures to protect students at the school. We would also like to thank the fire and health who were on site quickly and contributed, says operations manager Øystein Sagen in the press release. The school’s crisis team has been notified and the student is being taken care of. Task leader in place outside Støren primary school. Photo: Bent Lindsetmo / news All emergency services moved out Operations Manager Øystein Sagen in the police says that the police received the message that the student ran after other people with stabbing weapons at 11.48 today. – We have no information that anyone is injured. The student in question has left the school grounds. We are now working to locate the person in question. All of the emergency services are on their way to the site, says Sagen. MOVED OUT: The police searched for the student around Støren primary school at 12 o’clock on Wednesday. Photo: tipser Have control When the incident took place, the police asked people to keep their distance and call 112 if they saw the student. They now have control over the person. – Call 112, keep an eye out, but exercise caution. The person in question is still in possession of a knife, says Sagen. – Do you think that person can be a danger to others? – Yes, since he has stabbing weapons and has shown threatening behavior, people must show caution. Do you have tips or photos?
