The police have completed their investigation – news Buskerud – Local news, TV and radio

It has been over a year since Jonas Aarseth Henriksen was found murdered at a cabin in Nes in Ådal. Five people have been charged with murder or complicity in murder. All deny having anything to do with the murder. Police Inspector Odd Skei Kostveit. One of them, a 29-year-old from Rena, is still in custody. The police believe this man carried out the murder alone. The police’s recommendation has now been sent to the state attorney, but the police do not want to say anything about its content. – It has been a little over a year since Jonas was brutally taken from us. When the police finish the investigation and send it over to the public prosecutor, we think it’s good, says Ivar Borgen, Jonas’s stepfather. Ivar Borgen, the stepfather of Jonas Henriksen, is glad that the case has now been fully investigated. Photo: Anders Haualand / news Probably a couple of months The State Attorney estimates that it will take around one month, but that it depends on the scope and complexity of the case. – When it comes in here, the state attorney’s office must go through the case and make its assessment, and then send its proposal/recommendation to the attorney general, says state attorney Vibeke Gjøslien. It is the public prosecutor who ultimately issues charges in the case. They also have an expected processing time of four to six weeks and cannot estimate anything more precisely until they have been sent the case. It will therefore probably take a couple of months before the final indictments are known. – We have been waiting for a while already. But the fact that it is now being sent to the state attorney means that we have a time frame for when things will happen next, says Borgen. The murder weapon not found news has previously written about the fact that the murder weapon has still not been found. However, the police believe that it is not decisive for a court case. Henriksen was beaten up, had uninvited guests outside his apartment and lived in constant fear before he was killed. news has gained access to a 30-page document in which Henriksen went through all the incidents he was exposed to: The trial is scheduled to take place in February or March. – It is clear that it is burdensome to go and wait. And at least when there are more of them who have been released, Sister Ida Aarseth Henriksen has previously told news. Published 06.09.2024, at 15.32
