The police have charged Gjert Ingebrigtsen with bodily harm – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

Gjert Ingebrigtsen’s lawyer, John Christian Elden, confirms to news that his client has been charged in the case. Dagbladet reported on the charge first. John Christian Elden tells news that the charge relates to section 271 of the Criminal Code on bodily harm. In the autumn of 2023, the Ingebrigtsen brothers wrote an article in VG about why they have chosen to break the collaboration with their father. Here they said that growing up was characterized by physical violence and threats, and that the discomfort and fear still remained with the sons due to their childhood. Gjert Ingebrigtsen believes the allegations are groundless, but in October it became known that the police started an investigation against Gjert Ingebrigtsen. The brothers Henrik, Filip and Jakob Ingebrigtsen have accused their father and former coach Gjert Ingebrigtsen of violence and threats. Photo: Vidar Ruud / Vidar Ruud Supposed to have happened last year. Now it is known that the police have laid charges. According to Elden, the charge must have occurred last year, and that Ingebrigtsen risks a fine for this incident. – He later had to explain himself about this, we assume that it will disappear when a final decision is made. Beyond this, we refrain from commenting while the case is being investigated, writes Elden in an SMS to news. This has happened in the Ingebrigtsen conflict, from golden smiles, reality shows and jubilation, to family quarrels and accusations of violence. Here is the timeline of the Ingebrigtsen conflict. It became known that the running brothers Jakob, Filip and Henrik Ingebrigtsen had broken off their collaboration with dad and coach Gjert Ingebrigtsen. Jakob Ingebrigtsen commented on the break with his coach father. – Some things don’t last forever, he commented after the first race without Gjert. A month and a half after the news of the break-up, Henrik Ingebrigtsen opened up a little more and said that “after so many years it didn’t work anymore”. At the same time, he asked Gjert to step more into the role of father than into the role of coach. Just over a week later, Gjert also broke his silence. – We knew that this wear and tear in the family would sooner or later strike. It has been tough, said Gjert Ingebrigtsen to news. Gjert continued to train Narve Gilje Nordås and Per Svela. He was therefore present during the EC in Munich in the summer of 2022, where he stated that it was special to be in a championship without accompanying his own children. The following six months Gjert student Nordås and the Ingebrigtsen brothers were at the same training camp. Then there was an episode that only became known in the autumn. Henrik Ingebrigtsen expressed that Nordås could not sit at the same table as him, and the association had to introduce measures. Only months after the episode between Henrik Ingebrigtsen and Narve Gilje Nordås, the parties were again at the same training session. The atmosphere must have been bad there too, according to the latter. Late in 2023, the conflict escalated in the public eye, when it became known that Gjert did not receive accreditation for the WC in Budapest. – It has been decided in a meeting today that he will not receive one of the coaching accreditations, based on an overall assessment, said Erlend Slokvik, head of sport in the Norwegian Athletics Federation, to news. The championship was characterized by noise and war of words, and the ice front between Jakob and Gjert student Nordås became very visible. A month after the WC, Nordås spoke out about the WC row and the argument with the Ingebrigtsen brothers. – I hope that people can travel around for conventions and championships to live under the same roof without it being so uncomfortable and tense, so that you almost can’t even be in the same arena, he said. news revealed the aforementioned episode about the incident between Henrik Ingebrigtsen and Narve Gilje Nordås at a training camp. On the same day, the Norwegian Athletics Federation announced that Gjert will not be accredited for the championships in 2024 either. Knut Jæger Hansen went out on news and described Henrik Ingebrigtsen’s behavior as “bullying and harassment”. The Ingebrigtsen brothers wrote a column in VG in which they opened up about the background for the protracted conflict. They described the father as violent and controlling. On the same day, lawyer John Christian Elden rejected all claims on behalf of Gjert. A short time later, the Norwegian Athletics Association made a statement: – The Norwegian Athletics Association’s intention is to provide safe surroundings and a healthy performance environment for our athletes, coaches, managers and people in the support apparatus. Based on Jakob, Filip and Henrik’s statements today, we will take responsibility for intensifying this work, parts of it read. – Based on the information that came to light through the media yesterday, it is natural for the police to investigate whether there is reasonable reason to initiate an investigation,” police inspector Terese Braut Våge told news the day after the brothers’ chronicle. – Yes, that is the plan, Narve Gilje Nordås said when asked by TV 2 whether he intended to continue with Gjert Ingebrigtsen as coach. In an article published in TV 2 and VG, Martin Ingebrigtsen, the brother of Jakob, Filip and Henrik, said that he “has never feared dad”. The police decided to proceed with the case after carrying out initial investigations. – The information that has come to light has meant that we have now opened a criminal case, said police inspector Terese Braut Våge in the Sør-West police district. Mette Yvonne Larsen, legal counsel for several members of the Ingebrigtsen family, said that a report had recently been lodged against Gjert Ingebrigtsen. She told Aftenposten that it was a family member who had reported Ingebrigtsen. The public assistance lawyer also said that several members of the Ingebrigtsen family had been in for questioning in the case. In a press release on 28 November, the police stated that they are continuing the investigation, and that Gjert Ingebrigtsen has the status of a suspect. – Based on the information in the case, it was natural to give all of the children the status of offended. All the victims have now been questioned. Gjert Ingebrigtsen has the status of a suspect. He has been questioned and does not recognize himself in the grounds for suspicion, said police inspector Terese Braut Våge. Show more Counsel for four of Ingebrigtsen’s children, Mette Yvonne Larsen, confirms the charge. She also says that the case is being widely investigated. – In my opinion, this is not something that will disappear, quite the opposite. Beyond that, I have no comment on the case at the present time, says aid lawyer Mette Yvonne Larsen. Stian Kristensen, solicitor for one of the brothers, does not want to comment. Olav Rønneberg, crime commentator at news. Photo: Ole Kaland / news – Long way to prosecution news’s ​​crime commentator Olav Rønneberg says the public prosecutor’s office will have to press charges if there is a question of using coercive measures, such as seizure or search. – If they charge someone, it must mean that there are reasonable grounds for suspicion, i.e. a preponderance of probability that someone is guilty, but it is a long way from there to an indictment or a verdict, says news’s ​​crime commentator Olav Rønneberg. news has not been able to get in touch with the Sør-Vest police district.
