The police had to catch three golden pheasants that were dumped at a recycling station in Oppdal – news Trøndelag

– We have sent a patrol to the Oppdal recycling station after a report that someone has seen a cage with three live birds there. The police wrote that on Twitter on Tuesday morning. Were captured When the patrol arrived, they were able to confirm that it was a matter of three “pheasant-like” birds which were in no way in the cage, but which were loose outside. – Unclear what this is actually about. We don’t understand a peep. Investigations are ongoing, the police wrote further. They soon concluded that the birds were of the golden pheasant type. The police wrote on Twitter that they did not understand “a beep” when three golden pheasants appeared at a recycling station in Oppdal. Work soon began to capture them. Photo: Morgan Frelsøy/Opp Ifølgje Store norske lexikon (SNL) the bird species in the pheasant family is an Asian bird that was originally only found in mountainous areas in China. – It has been released in several places in Europe, and in the British Isles it has established itself in a wild state. It has also been shown in several places in North America and South America, write SNL. The birds were captured by, among other things, the police patrol. Watch the video here: Watch the patrol capture the golden pheasants at Oppdal. Video: MORGAN FRELSØY/OPP – Sad The Norwegian Food Safety Authority has now taken care of the three birds. Ingeborg Stavne, head of department in the Food Safety Authority in Gauldal, wrote to news that on Tuesday morning they were contacted by the police for assistance. – The pheasants were calm and it was easy to catch them, she writes. The golden pheasant is a bird that thrives best in the mountains – but in the mountains of Central China. Photo: Morgan Frelsøy/Opp Furthermore, Stavne describes it as “sad and not right” that someone has seen animals in this way. Who owns the birds is unclear. – We are happy that the animals were discovered quickly and that we were able to capture them. They will be looked after by us, and we will assess their health status before deciding on further follow-up. Doesn’t belong here – Someone must have had them in breeding and got tired of them. This is what Kjetil Solbakken, general secretary of BirdLife Norway says to news. – We hear from time to time that golden pheasants are in the wild because they escaped from private collections. It is a species that many have, and which is sold as an ornamental bird. Kjetil Aadne Solbakken in Bird life. Photo: Norwegian Ornithological Association But the ornithologist is well aware that they do not naturally belong in this climate. – This is a bird that cannot survive a winter in Norway. And in any case not in Oppdal, he says. Solbakken has not heard that live birds have been seen again at recycling facilities in the past. – It is animal cruelty to leave them like this. It is clearly illegal and must be followed up. – It is sad, and testifies to the wrong attitude, he concludes. One of the three golden pheasants that were dumped at Oppdal. Photo: Morgan Frelsøy/Opp
