The police confirm that they are moving activists – Thunberg has chained herself – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Loga sámegillii. LATEST: The police announce on Twitter that they will remove the activists from the area between Akersgata and Munchs gate in central Oslo. – We have cleared access to the employees. We have not arrested anyone, but have given seven people orders. They are being carried out by the police to the outside of the barrier boundaries, but we have not taken them to the detention center. They will be reported afterwards, says task leader Brian Skotnes. He says the police try to intervene as little as possible. – Our intention is to create access to the ministries, so that the employees can come to work. As of now, we do not want to remove any more, but this is being assessed on an ongoing basis. Protesters are carried away. Shareholders from the Norwegian Sami National Confederation Nuorat and Nature and Youth blocked the entrances to the Ministry of Oil and Energy on Monday morning. Around 1 p.m., several activists chained themselves to the ministry with chains. Among them the Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg, who joined the demonstration on Monday. They are chained to the side entrances in Teatergata. news’s ​​reporter at the scene also reports a large police presence. – In practical terms, it makes it more difficult to move us, says activist Ella Marie Hætta Isaksen to news. She says it also gives clear parallels to the Alta action. – We are keen to honor the tradition of activism from which we come, she says. Several police cars on their way to the OED on Monday afternoon. Photo: Olav Wixøe Svela Ministry at home office The Ministries’ Security and Service Organization (DSS) recommends home offices for six ministries as a result of the action, DSS confirms to news. This applies to the Ministry of Children and Families, the Ministry of Municipalities and Districts, the Ministry of Oil and Energy, the Ministry of Health and Care, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the Ministry of Finance, as well as employees of DSS. It was DSS that on Sunday asked the police to remove the protesters. The protesters block the garage of the OED with a lavvo. Photo: Philippe Bedos Ulvín / news At 2.30 a.m. on Monday, the police began to carry out the 13 activists who have occupied the Oil and Energy Ministry (OED) in Oslo since Thursday. They protest against the development of the wind turbines on the Fosen Peninsula, which the Supreme Court has declared unlawful. The Supreme Court has not taken a decision on whether the wind turbines should be demolished or not. More than 500 days have now passed since the Supreme Court’s conclusion. Despite the arrests, the action outside the OED continued from 07:00 on Monday morning. See pictures from the night here: Acting throughout the day – The plan is still to close today, and it is about the Ministry of Oil and Energy not doing its job in a proper way, and we cannot allow them to continue to do more damage, says Ella Marie Hætta Isaksen to news on Monday morning. She was one of the activists who asked to be arrested, and later released from the police station in Greenland sometime after 05:00 on Monday morning. Here one of the activists is being carried out of the OED by the police. Around 03:00 all 13 were removed from the reception. Photo: Rodrigo Freitas / NTB – How long can you keep this up? – We are in good spirits now and could probably sit here forever. There have been some intense days inside the ministry, so just getting out in the fresh air gives a lot of motivation, so right now I could imagine moving in right here, says Hætta Isaksen. Greta Thunberg calls the situation they are demonstrating against “absurd”. – Everyone who has the opportunity should stand in solidarity with those who have been in the fight for a long time. It is a matter of human rights violations, which the Norwegian state has been guilty of. It is completely absurd that this is allowed to happen, and that it seems that the Norwegian state is ignoring it, says Thunberg to news at 10am on Monday. The activists shout, among other things, “Let the mountains live” and sing “They sit there with their cardigans turned upside down”. Carrying the Samekofte inside out is a traditional form of demonstration that expresses dissatisfaction, explained one of the demonstrators. Here Hætta Isaksen and Thunberg hold an appeal outside the entrance to the OED: Ella Marie Hætta Isaken and Gretha Thunberg hold appeals outside the entrance to the Ministry of Oil and Energy. Aasland: – Good for democracy Oil and Energy Minister Terje Aasland (Ap) says it is up to DSS to assess the security around the ministry’s premises. – I have always said that I think a peaceful celebration has been good for democracy. But when it comes to the events surrounding the protesters, it is DSS that handles it, Aasland told news on Monday morning. The minister spoke to the activists on Thursday last week, when the action in OED started. – So far we had a good conversation then. I understood that they wanted to present their point of view, says Aasland. Oil and Energy Minister Terje Aasland says he basically thinks peaceful demonstrations are good for democracy. Photo: Martin Fønnebø / news Although the Supreme Court has concluded in the case, the minister says they need more knowledge to make a new decision in the Fosen case. Aasland will meet the president of the Sámi Parliament on Thursday this week for talks about the matter, he tells news. On Monday, the demonstration outside the OED in Oslo has picked up. Photo: Philippe Bedos Ulvín / news – Isn’t the verdict from the Supreme Court quite clear? How much more do you need to know? – It says nothing about what will happen to the wind farm. Therefore, we must acquire new knowledge about reindeer husbandry in the area, look at measures, and then make a new administrative decision in line with the Supreme Court’s ruling, says Aasland. – How long will this take? – It is uncertain. My point of departure is that this should happen as quickly as possible. Everyone benefits from this case finding a good solution. “Significant obstacle” The police received a request from DSS at 10.11pm on Sunday evening to remove the activists. The police gave the activists 15 minutes to leave voluntarily. DSS believed that the demonstration was “a significant obstacle to the ministry’s operations” because the young people blocked the entrances and exits. The activists brought links to the demonstration. They were left in a box outside the OED. Photo: Philippe Bédos Ulvin / news – The protestors’ announced escalation with a blockade of several buildings caused the DSS to ask for help from the police. Such a blockade would prevent employees from going to work, and blocked escape routes would be an obstacle in emergency situations, says press officer Espen Evensen to news.
