The police change the investigation of Jakob Asserson Ingebrigtsen – Latest news – news

2 July 2024 at 09:16 The police change the charge against Jakob Asserson Ingebrigtsen This is confirmed in a press release sent out by the Rogaland State Attorney’s Office. It was Aftenposten that first mentioned the case. When Gjert Ingebrigtsen was charged with mistreatment of one of his children, the police dropped the cases against several of the other children. They appealed the decision. Jakob Asserson Ingebrigtsen was successful. – I do not understand that it is possible to drop such a serious case. I agree with the state attorney in overturning the closure, and anticipate prosecution in this case as well, says Mette Yvonne Larsen to Aftenposten. – The fact that a further investigation is requested in one of the cases before it is also eventually closed appears orderly by the state attorney, says lawyer John Christian Elden – As regards the relationship he is charged with, related to one of his children, that is still our assessment that no criminal offense has taken place. Gjert is looking forward to having the matter dealt with in court, he continues. – This case has been an enormous burden for our client and his entire family. We hope today’s closures will contribute to calmness around the case until the trial takes place, says lawyer Heidi Reisvang, who defends Ingebrigtsen together with lawyer John Christian Elden. – As regards the conversion, Jakob Asserson Ingebrigtsen believes that it is correct based on what he has explained about his upbringing. As for the other two, both have been dismissed as out of date and not according to the position of the evidence, says legal aid lawyer Mette Yvonne Larsen to news.
