The police broke up a large criminal circle on Mortensrud in Oslo that sold drugs – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

The police found out about the man through the encrypted communication platform Sky ECC. This platform was shut down after an international police operation in 2021. According to Kripos, approximately 10 million messages distributed among 1,250 Norwegian users were then accessed. One of these users was the man from Mortensrud who the police believe is a leading figure in a large criminal circle. The charges were significant aggravated drug offenses and aggravated weapons offences. – The review of this Sky ECC material has shown that there has been a fairly professional dealing with drugs, both buying and selling from this operator. That’s what police inspector Per Thomas Omholt says. He is also section prosecution manager in unit east at the Oslo police district. Head of prosecution in the Oslo police unit east, Per Thomas Omholt, says the review of this Sky ECC material has shown a professional dealing with drugs, both buying and selling from this ringleader. Photo: Rolf Petter Olaisen / news Purchased properties The police believe the environment has sold tens of kilos of cocaine and hashish. A number of valuables and money have also been seized. Omholt also believes that the community has used money stemming from crime to buy up properties around Norway. – We have secured a hold on them, so that they will not be sold or anything else done, so that they can be confiscated in a possible criminal case, and adds: – In the financial part where we have followed the money trail, we have we received assistance from Økokrim. Large criminal environment The ringleader was arrested in autumn 2022 and has since been remanded in custody. The police consider the environment at Mortensrud too large, but do not reveal how large. Three other people have also been charged in the case, but these were not arrested. – They have had different roles both as distributors and handling valuables, says Omholt. Mortensrud subway station and square. Photo: Hallgeir Braastad / news Investigation completed The prosecutor says the investigation has been extensive due to the large amount of data from the Sky ECC material. – In such serious cases, the prison sentence can be long. It is then important for us to review and verify all evidence. The case from the police’s side has now been concluded and it is the public prosecutor in Oslo who will make a prosecution decision and possibly present an indictment. – And then we will see what the higher prosecution authority decides to do further with the case. Sky ECC Sky ECC was a Canadian service owned by the company Sky Global. The service was delivered on mobile phones and made it possible to communicate encrypted with SMS, audio and picture messages. The phone could only be used to communicate via Sky ECC, not for other purposes. All users were given their own ID consisting of six letters or numbers, and you could also create your own profile names. In the period 2019 to 2021, the service had around 170,000 users, and approx. 1,250 of these were in Norway. The platform was shut down after an international police operation in March 2021. Source: The police
