The police ask parents to come to the scene – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

The 5-mile is over, but there are still a lot of people in the Frognerseteren area. The euphoria of victory has turned into party riots for some. A person is nursed back to health after being knocked to the ground by another. The perpetrator of violence has been expelled from the area by the police. – There are still quite a few people left at Frognerseteren, the upper route. The alcohol intake there has been partly high throughout the day, says operations manager Tore Solberg to news. – Some young people drink so much that they cannot take care of themselves. The Red Cross has its hands full in looking after people and trying to contact parents to come and look after their children. The police emphasize that they have good control of the situation. Access to fights Most of the people the police have to deal with are under 18 and heavily intoxicated, says the operations manager. There have been incidents of fights at the site. – We have assisted in getting them away from the area, says Solberg. After the ski race, the Oslo Police District issued an appeal to parents: – Several young people are heavily intoxicated, and are being taken care of by their health. Parents should follow up their hopefuls throughout the afternoon, the police tweet. It was a tenfold Norwegian victory during this year’s race, which was won by Simen Hegstad Krüger (29). Eight of the best came from Greater Oslo.
