The police are looking for a motorcyclist – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– We have information that we are quite sure of, and that is that a motorcycle left the scene after the incident. We are therefore interested in people who may have observed a motorcycle. This is what police attorney Ann Iren Svane Mathiassen told news on Friday afternoon. It was Drammens Tidende that first mentioned this. On Wednesday morning, shots were fired at a man in his 30s who was sitting in a parked car at a private address in Drolsum in Modum municipality. The victim came away from the shooting without physical injuries. The incident is being investigated as attempted murder. Great resources were put into the investigation. Both the police helicopter and the police bomb squad were on the scene. A picture of what has happened has formed The police now want to get in touch with people who drove on national highway 350 or county road 280 between 08.45 and 09.45 on Wednesday morning, says Mathiassen. – Cars with dashboard cameras or other recording functions that can give us a picture of cars, motorcycles or others are of interest. Wildlife cameras are also interesting if they show parts of the road. Police attorney Ann Iren Svane Mathiassen. Photo: Ingvild-Anita Velde / news The victim has been questioned, and technical investigations have been carried out at the scene. – Is it the case that you have any suspects? – No one has been charged or arrested. – Based on the questioning, are you able to piece together a picture? – It gives us a picture of what happened on the spot, yes. In addition, we want to obtain information from other sources. Hunting perpetrator(s) Mathiassen says that the victim is someone the police have known before, but she does not wish to comment further on this now. – The current status is that the investigation is fully underway. It will also do that throughout the weekend. We are working to obtain as much information as possible that can give us information about who is the perpetrator or who else is behind the shooting, concludes police attorney Ann Iren Svane Mathiassen. The police have previously stated that there is no basis for putting this incident in connection with the investigation into the murder of Jonas Henriksen in Nes in Ådal on 17 August.
