The police and crime scene technicians are investigating an incident in the center of Førde – news Vestland

They have cordoned off a larger area outside the Venezia restaurant in the center of Førde, but according to what news has been informed, the incident has no connection with the restaurant itself. Both uniformed police and crime scene technicians have been working at the scene throughout the day. A dog patrol has also been brought in to search. Among other things, the police have gone through rubbish bins and measured distances outside the restaurant. According to what news is informed, they have also received images from surveillance cameras in the area. METER: Crime scene technicians work within the cordoned off area in Førde city centre. Photo: Brit Jorunn Svanes The police are so far sparing with details about what has happened. – The police are investigating an incident. More information will be provided, but not now, says Dyveke Gjermundrød, on-call lawyer in the West police district to news. INCIDENT: The police are investigating an incident in the center of Førde.
