The plane with the king has landed at Gardermoen – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

On Sunday evening, the Palace wrote in a press release that the air transport went well, and that the king is recovering. – The king is admitted to the National Hospital for examinations. The king remains in the hospital for a few days, for treatment and rest. The plane landed at Gardermoen at 22:57. The police ask road users to be considerate and drive as normal when King Harald is to be transported to the National Hospital. – We have taken our measures, but what they are, I will not comment now. Operations manager Terje Marstad in the East police district told NTB just hours before King Harald landed with the evacuation plane at Oslo Airport. The cortege on its way from Gardermoen to Rikshospitalet. Photo: Fredrik Varfjell / NTB From there the king will be transported directly to the National Hospital, a distance of around 50 kilometres, where he will be admitted. – Road users must not become too curious. If you show consideration and drive as normal you will be fine. You must not obstruct traffic or stop where you are not allowed to stop, said the operations manager. The Queen left the military section of the airport just after 11.10pm. The plane with the king and queen on board has landed at Gardermoen. Photo: Javad Parsa / NTB – Malaysia feels very far away Just after the king landed, 80,000 followed the flight on the website Flightradar24. Throughout Sunday evening, the flight to the king was the flight in the world that most followed. – The king has been far away, and Malaysia is perceived as very far away. I think it is almost like a national instinct that if something happens to the king, such as illness, it should preferably happen when he is in the country. Quite irrational perhaps, but it says something about the monarch’s strong symbolic power, says royal connoisseur Harald Stanghelle in Kveldsnytt. – Now the Castle has been quite reticent with information about this case of illness. Should they have told more? – Yes, they probably should, because there will be a kind of information vacuum. All such vacuums invite speculation and various theories about what is really going on with the king. Earlier this evening, news’s ​​photographer reported great activity on the military part of the airport. Both the ambulance service and several units from the police had driven in through the gate of the airport in connection with the king and queen’s arrival. King connoisseur Harald Stanghelle believes the royal household should be open about the king’s illness. Welcome home Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap) welcomes King Harald home. – On behalf of the government, I would like to welcome our king home. I am happy that the journey went well and that the king is now safe at home in Norway, says Støre to NTB. The Prime Minister thanks everyone who has worked in recent days to facilitate the return journey for the King and Queen, both here at home and in Malaysia. – I wish our king a continued good recovery and look forward to him being able to continue the good and important work he does for our country, Støre continues. Rikshospitalet At 05:00 on the night of Sunday, the Palace confirmed in a press release that King Harald was on his way home from Malaysia, where he had been hospitalized with an infection. – His Majesty the King will shortly be on his way to the airport in Langkawi for medical transport home. Her Majesty the Queen will travel with the King, the press release stated. The police are at Rikshospitalet awaiting the king’s arrival. Photo: Rodrigo Freitas / NTB The king will be admitted to the National Hospital, writes Slottet. – The king will be on sick leave for two weeks. During this period, the Crown Prince will be regent and take over the King’s constitutional duties, the Palace wrote in the press release on Sunday morning.
