The plane that will probably pick up King Harald seems to be ready – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Right around 6 o’clock, the plane that will take King Harald home to Norway took off. It will probably make a stopover in the Emirates before flying to Norway. At 05:00 on the night of Sunday, the Castle confirmed in a press release that King Harald was on his way home from Malaysia, where he had been hospitalized with an infection. – His Majesty the King will shortly be on his way to the airport in Langkawi for medical transport home. Her Majesty the Queen will travel with the King, they write in the press release. An ambulance with a police escort left the Sultanah Maliha hospital at around 5.25am on Sunday morning Norwegian time. Photo: Vincent Thian / AP Around 05.30 an ambulance with a police escort was observed driving from the hospital in the direction of the airport, confirms the news agency AP’s reporter to news. King Harald has been hospitalized with an infection in recent days. The king will be admitted to Rikshospitalet when he arrives in Oslo. – The king will be on sick leave for two weeks. During this period, the Crown Prince will be regent and take over the King’s constitutional duties, the palace writes. Got a pacemaker King Harald was on a private holiday in Malaysia when he was admitted to hospital on Tuesday with an infection. On Saturday, he received a temporary pacemaker that should make the journey home safer. – The pacemaker was implanted because of a low heart rate. The decision was made this morning, and the operation was successful. According to the conditions, the king is doing well, but still needs rest, said the king’s physician Bjørn Bendz on Saturday. He traveled earlier this week to Malaysia. A lot of activity at the airport There was a lot of activity at the airport on the island of Langkawi in the hours before departure, where the hospital where the king has been admitted is located. The crew manning the plane arrived at the airport at 03:00. The plane taxis out onto the runway. Photo: Philip Lote / news A fuel truck has driven to the plane. Photo: Philip Lote / news news observed several black cars drive to the plane. A fuel truck is also seen close by. What appeared to be medical personnel were observed near the aircraft. Several people were seen walking up and down a staircase that has been set up close to the plane. Stopover in the Emirates The plane will stopover in the Emirates before returning home to Norway. According to the flight monitoring service Flightradar, the plane will arrive in Oslo from the Emirates at midnight on Sunday. Flightradar is a global overview that shows all aircraft at any time in real time all over the world. On Sunday mornings, the flight with King Harald is the most followed flight in the world. Just before 10 o’clock there were more than 9,000 who came along for the trip. The SAS plane that will probably bring King Harald home. Photo: Philip Lote The plane is an SAS plane that was converted into a medical evacuation plane to pick up the wounded from Ukraine. It landed in Malaysia on Friday, after a stopover in the Emirates. The operation to transport the king home is estimated to cost around NOK 2 million. The Norwegian Armed Forces are responsible for the transport.
