The passenger in the car also arrested after Sian collision – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Sian leader Lars Thorsen’s car ended up in the ditch along the E6 at Mortensrud in Oslo after a collision on Saturday. The collision took place shortly after Thorsen had set fire to the Koran outside a mosque at Mortensrud in Oslo. Police believe the Sian leader was hit on purpose. On Saturday, the driver was charged with grievous bodily harm. Later, the passenger was also charged. Just after four o’clock on Sunday afternoon, the passenger was also arrested, confirms press officer in the police, Unni Grøndal, to news. The passenger is charged with complicity in grievous bodily harm. She has not yet been questioned. The woman was present from Sian burned a Koran outside Mortensrud mosque. Characterized by the incident A video recording (more information about this further down in the case) shows that the now accused woman is helping to put out the fire. Then she gets in a car. The car follows the car with the Sian leader. There will be several collisions before Sian cars end up in the ditch and overturn. – My client is affected by what has happened. She was interrogated by the police yesterday. She has explained about the course of events as she thinks it unfolded, says the passenger’s defender Ole Petter Drevland to news. – How do you react to the police saying she is charged in the case? – It is in many ways a natural consequence of her sitting in the car that was involved in this accident. he answers. None of the women admits criminal guilt. HERE IT HAPPENED: The collision happened shortly after the Koran burning at Mortensrud. The driver still apprehended The passenger is the owner of the car. The driver is charged with intentional collision and serious bodily injury. She is still under arrest, police say. – What is it that makes the driver of cars in custody? – She is in custody because we are investigating widely. We collect video material, obtain documentation and witness descriptions and the like, police lawyer Aase Schartum-Hansen answers – The accused driver says the Sian car drove on them first, and that it was self-defense? – We are investigating broadly, but at the moment the person in question is charged with grievous bodily harm when using a car, so as the police see it, it is not a matter of self-defense, Schartum-Hansen answers. She says the police have video recordings from both parties. As well as many witnesses. Sian leader Lars Thorsen had burned the Koran in several places in Oslo before the group ended up at Mortensrud. The accident happened along the E6 at Mortensrud in Oslo. Photo: Munevver Yildiz / news Followed by At Mortensrud, there was an amp atmosphere, and the anti-Islamic group ended up in a scuffle with people who tried to put out the fire. The car with Thorsen was followed by a car with two women. Shortly after the car with Thorsen had driven onto the E6 in the direction of Oslo, the collision occurred. There were five people in Thorsen’s car, which ended up on the roof. Four of them were taken to the emergency room and one was taken to hospital. No one was seriously injured. The police informed news earlier Sunday that the driver will be questioned during the day. Immigration-critical group filmed A group called Alternative Media, drove after the car of Sian leader (Stop the Islamization of Norway) Lars Thorsen, after Thorsen had lit several Korans in Oslo. They filmed the entire incident, and then posted the video on social media. Alternativ Media is an immigration-critical group, which on its own websites writes that they “cover news that the mass media overlooks”. Investigator broadly news met Thorsen outside the emergency room in Oslo a couple of hours after the incident. The Sian leader says the Koran burns were a response to a charge brought against him on June 30. – It was something verbal and a little pushing, but otherwise it was relatively okay. When we drove from there, there was a person who followed us in a car, and started to blunt my car, says Thorsen. He describes the incident as not very pleasant. – But it was not surprising either, he thinks. Aase Schartum-Hansen, on-duty lawyer, says that burning the Koran is in principle considered a legal statement. – But the police will assess the various incidents to investigate whether criminal acts have been committed. The police are investigating extensively and investigating whether various incidents are related to the collision. The passage of time is part of the investigation, she says. Lawyer John Christian Elden, who is an assistance lawyer for the five Sian members, calls it an attack on freedom of expression. – My clients are fine. They have recovered from the attack safely and well, but are surprised that such an attack on freedom of expression can take place in Norway, at the same time as they are happy that PST and the police always protect them, Elden tells Dagbladet.
