– The parties hold the key – Latest news – news

20 September 2022 at 12:23 Brenna: – The parties hold the key – It is between the parties that the negotiations are ongoing, and they are the ones who know both what it takes to find a solution, and those who are responsible for actually finding a solution. This is what Education Minister Tonje Brenna says to news about the teachers’ strike. The government has a means of action in the compulsory wage board, but Brenna will not answer whether it is being considered. – The call is still clear to the parties to make an effort to find a solution. – How long must the strike last for you to use this tool? – I am not going to answer that now. Now I repeat the call to the parties to try to find a solution. It is a serious situation for our students when they are not allowed to attend school. The parties hold the key to resolving this conflict, reaching an agreement and getting the students back to school.
