The owners are considering shutting down Rec Solar Norway – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

According to Fædrelandsvennen, the owners are now considering whether production at Rec Solar Norway should be stopped temporarily or shut down completely. In total, there are 250 employees at the factories in Kristiansand and Porsgrunn. According to the newspaper, the employees should have been told on Thursday evening that production will be stopped. – The employees have been told that the company cannot continue to operate with these electricity costs. The shop stewards and the management talk together about the situation, says shop steward Andreas Hadland Bolluk at REC Solar Norway to Fædrelandsvennen. To news, Bolluk states that he has nothing more to say until the company makes its statement tomorrow. A press release is then expected, according to Fædrelandsvennen. – Stopped for up to 26 weeks Kristiansand’s mayor Jan Oddvar Skisland (Ap) today visited Rec Solar Norway together with oil and energy minister Terje Aasland (Ap). The two were then informed about the situation at the company. – We learned that the electricity prices are now so high that the company runs a significant deficit every month. The Indian owners did not want to continue with this. It was clear that the company had received relatively clear messages from the top, says Skisland to news. According to Skisland, the temporary stop will last for up to 26 weeks. – Now the employees are being laid off, and I hope that the measures coming from the government will mean that they get back to work quickly. The mayor has got the impression that the business will close within a few days. Mayor of Kristiansand Jan Oddvar Skisland had hoped Rec Solar Norway would delay the shutdown in view of the measures that will soon come from the government. Photo: Per-Kåre Sandbakk / news 2.4 billion in deficit The Fædrelandsvennen writes that Rec Solar Norway had a deficit of almost NOK 2.4 billion in 2021. That is four times as much as the income, according to the newspaper. Beyond 2021 and 2022, it will be electricity prices that have been the problem. Rec Solar manufactures solar energy systems for homes, businesses and utilities. Photo: Idrak Abbasov / news Got an electricity bill of 40 million In autumn 2021, Rec Solar Norway was acquired by Indian Reliance Industries. Behind this company stands Asia’s richest man, Indian Mukesh Ambini. According to Fædrelandsvennen, the Indian owner must have decided to stop production in Norway, citing the high electricity prices. Last winter, E24 reported that REC Solar in Kristiansand received an electricity bill of 40 million in December. They had then expected that the bill would be 6.5 million. Photo: Kai Stokkeland / news Rec Solar was founded in Norway in 1996 and by the end of 2021 they had produced more than 43 million solar panels. They manufacture solar energy systems for homes, businesses and utilities. The company was previously called Elkem Solar.
