The opposition asks the health council to help ME sufferer Aurora, who lives in a nursing home against her will – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– Aurora has reached out to the media and clearly called out her deep despair. Imagine that Oslo municipality with all its billions will not accept her hand and give her care, says Cecilie Lyngby (FNB). She is head of the health and social welfare committee in Oslo municipality. In September, news told the story of Aurora Leigh Kobernus (25), who lives in a nursing home in Oslo against her will. She has the most severe degree of ME. The 25-year-old is 100 per cent in need of care. Nine months in a nursing home After a hospital stay, the district of Nordre Aker placed her in a short-term place at Ullern health center in February. Since then she has stayed here. This is despite the fact that the family has both applied for full-time BPA at home and short-term stay at an organized care facility for seriously ill ME patients. The family has had their applications and complaints rejected. This summer, the State Administrator in Oslo and Viken determined that the offer Aurora receives at Ullern health center is not justifiable. news visited Aurora in her dark room at the nursing home earlier this autumn. – I get sicker from being here and I get sicker from not getting the right help, said Aurora Leigh Kobernus at the time. This has happened in Aurora’s case after news mentioned it last time. The Borough has previously granted 12 hours per day BPA from May to 1 November 2022. In the application, the doctor said that there is a need for 24/7. The district has not extended the decision. The family applied in June to use the approved BPA at the health center where Aurora now lives. They have received no response. The family’s complaint that BPA 24 hours a day has been refused. New refusal of complaint about stay at Røysumtunet. The BPA case has gone back and forth between the State Administrator and the district. The family has not received a definitive answer. The matter will soon be considered by the State Administrator. Source: Aurora’s mother, Hanne Hofsæth Fredheim Politicians ask Steen to intervene The story of Aurora makes a strong impression on the opposition politicians in Oslo City Council. A united opposition, with a majority behind them in the city council, is asking the health board to intervene. Cecilie Lyngby represents the People’s Party (FNB). Photo: Silje Rognsvåg / news – Robert Steen should have put in all the cloths and made sure that the very ill Aurora could move to a place where help could be found, says chair of the health and social welfare committee, Cecilie Lyngby. The Conservative Party expects the city council to find a solution. – This should basically have been resolved a long time ago, says the party’s health and social policy spokesperson, Hassan Nawaz. The Progress Party also believes that the health board should take action. – For example, by entering into a dialogue with the district and asking the nursing home agency to instruct the districts to follow up the decision from the Storting that people under the age of 50 should not live in a nursing home against their will, says Aina Stenersen (Frp). The Center Party, the Liberal Party and the Christian People’s Party also demand that health councilor Robert Steen come to the scene and clean it up. For Rødt, it is completely unacceptable that Aurora has had to stay at Ullern health center for over nine months. – In the big city of Oslo, there will from time to time be a need for care and care places for younger people as well. It can be a challenge for health councilor Steen to ensure that such places are ready, says Maren Rismyhr from Rødt. This picture is a bit deceiving. Aurora is in a completely dark room. The door is barely opened so that the camera can take a picture with a long shutter speed. Because there may be a hint of light, Aurora wears an eye patch. Photo: Rolf Petter Olaisen / news This picture lies a little. Aurora is in a completely dark room. The door is barely opened so that the camera can take a picture with a long shutter speed. Because there may be a hint of light, Aurora wears a blindfold. Photo: Rolf Petter Olaisen / news – The help we get hurts us Aurora is happy about the support, but believes that the most important thing is that politicians address the inadequate and harmful provision for ME sufferers. – Why can the district choose to ignore the ME expert, GP and the health center who say I have to come home to have BPA around the clock?, she asks. Aurora believes that other ME sufferers may have different needs than her. But that they all have one thing in common; the health care we need will not come without a fight. – The help we get hurts us more than it helps. As a very seriously ill person, I see my twenties disappearing because no one has made it possible for me to get the right help by force. – Not hanging on Oslo’s watchdog in health and social affairs, Anna Ryymin, thinks it’s sad for Aurora and her relatives that their case still hasn’t been resolved after three quarters of a year. Anna Ryymin is patient and user representative in Oslo and Viken. Photo: Sturlason/Oslo municipality Ryymin believes the district has been slow and inflexible. When cases like this are mentioned in the media, she believes it can be a reputational problem for the municipality. – A young woman in a place together with elderly people with cognitive impairment for 9 months. It does not hold sway in people’s perception of how it should be. A municipality cannot tailor offers for everyone, she explains. But users have the right to contribute. Believes the districts go a long way Shortly after news told the story about Aurora, the health councilor in Oslo, Robert Steen, informed the city’s health politicians about the matter. – I think it is very easy for all of us to have a great degree of understanding for the despair that Aurora finds herself in and for those around Aurora. Health council Robert Steen briefed the Aurora case in the health and social welfare committee in Oslo 15.09.22. Photo: Oslo Kommune-TV Health council Robert Steen briefed the Aurora case in the health and social welfare committee in Oslo 15.09.22. Photo: Oslo Kommune-TV Steen said that he hopes that people experience the districts as helpful. That they are listening. That they stretch far within what they have the opportunity to do. And that he has the impression that the districts are mostly quite good at this. But Aurora and her family have a different experience. That they are not taken care of. That the district does not try to find solutions. That the district does not extend far to meet their needs. In recent months, Aurora has only gotten sicker. Does not intervene After the health board’s briefing in September, little has happened. Aurora has now spent over nine months of her life in the nursing home. When a united opposition in the city council now asks Robert Steen to intervene, news has asked for a comment. Then he only refers to a letter he has sent to Aina Stenersen (Frp), who has asked questions about the case. news has also asked Steen a number of other questions about the case. In an e-mail, the city council department replies: – Although this case illustrates how difficult illness can be, it is not right for the city council to comment on it in the media. Reference is made to the district. Do you think Aurora is making it difficult Bodel Nordre Aker says they understand that the situation is difficult for Aurora and her family. And that they spend a lot of time and resources on the matter. – Other services and treatment have been offered, says department director Camilla Glasø. By that, the district means the 12 hours of BPA a day, which Aurora believes is too little. And home services. Nevertheless, the district of Aurora itself believes that the matter is difficult for them. – When a resident chooses to withdraw their consent to share health information with the district, as Aurora has done, this makes it difficult for the district to make the right decisions. We hope to get this back so we can get closer to a solution soon. Would like to apologize The district has previously had free access to Aurora’s records at Ullern health center. But this autumn she withdrew her consent in consultation with the data protection officer in Oslo municipality, says her mother Hanne Hofsæth Fredheim. – The reason was the district’s use of random work notes in the health center’s record system. The mother emphasizes that the district receives information when it requests it. – The health center can share health information as long as it goes via Aurora and she consents to the sharing of information. Aurora believes health councilor Robert Steen can start with a crisis meeting. And that the politicians can agree on an action plan to look after ME patients and other young patients voluntarily or involuntarily in nursing homes. – Oslo municipality can apologize to us for the prolonged mistreatment, lack of help and the inhumane conditions we live with, concludes Aurora Leigh Kobernus. Hi Did you get any thoughts while reading this article? Feel free to send me an email! I have previously written, among other things: Do you have any tips for other matters I should look into? I treat all information confidentially. Feel free to contact me!
