The oil price falls – still high fuel prices – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– The tank is full and the wallet is empty, says Asbjørn Dahl. He has just filled up the car’s tank, as well as a couple of petrol cans. He says that when he does that, he just closes his eyes. – It goes so far on that counter that you hardly see the total. Second only to electricity subsidies, cuts in taxes on fuel are what Norwegians think is the most important thing to secure the economy now, NTB wrote last week. – It is going to put the whole country on its back if it is to continue in this way, says Dahl. – Too bad competition Even though oil prices have fallen, fuel prices are still over NOK 20 per liter in large parts of the country. The Consumer Council reacts to this. – They are very quick to raise prices when the price of crude oil rises, but are not at all as quick to lower the price when crude oil becomes cheaper. We are critical of that, says director of the Norwegian Consumer Council Olav Kasland. He believes the industry always comes up with some explanation as to why fuel prices do not fall in line with the price of oil. Kasland believes one of the reasons for still high fuel prices is too little competition. – There are four major players who dominate this market today. It’s too bad. He says he would like to see that it was as easy to lower the price as it apparently is to raise it. On Tuesday, prices were around NOK 23 a liter at many petrol stations in Southern Norway. This summer it was up to NOK 28 a litre. In some places you could also make out the 30s. Department director at the Consumer Council Olav Kasland. Photo: KNUT ARE TORNÅS / news – Many factors come into play Communications manager at Circle K Norway Knut Hilmar Hansen says that there are many people who believe that the price of crude oil is the only thing that determines the purchase price of petrol and diesel. He says it’s not true. – There are also other factors that help determine the price level you see at the pumps, not least supply and demand for pre-refined petrol and diesel in the international market. The availability of biofuel, which we mix into petrol and diesel, as well as exchange rates and price wars also play a role. He refers to the war in Ukraine and the energy situation in Europe as reasons for the high fuel prices in recent months. What do you think of the criticism the Consumer Council makes? – I understand very well that many people are wondering, because it is not the first time we have tried to explain how the market works. But I think it’s a bit strange that they don’t contact us directly. According to Hansen, the high fuel prices do not mean higher earnings for them. – It is probably someone else in the value chain who collects the profit here. Communications Manager in Circkle K Norway Knut Hilmar Hansen. Photo: KNUT ARE TORNÅS / news Waiting to fill up High and varying fuel prices have made many people more aware of when they fill up the tank. – I wait until I find a place where the prices are reasonable. Under NOK 20, then I can fill up, says Marius Hyldetoft when news meets him at a petrol station in Arendal. He filled up with petrol in Drammen earlier in the day. There, the price must have been one and a half kroner lower than in Arendal. 16-year-old Solveig Oliana Drageset got her scooter sticker in May, and says she spends a lot of money on petrol. – I take a scooter back and forth from school. I probably spend between NOK 50 and 60 every other day, she says. Solveig Oliana Drageset spends much of the money she earns on petrol for the scooter. Photo: Ada Drevdal Bjøranger
