The officers thought they were going to die – news Troms and Finnmark

In an interview with Politiforum, the two police officers, who were in Lavangen, describe how they experienced the incident. Both must have thought: “Now I’m going to die”. On the night of 9 December last year, Hans Arne Nystad was shot and killed by the police. The case has now been fully investigated and is with the head of the special unit. – The case will soon be decided, says the head of the investigation in the Bureau, Halvor Hjelm-Hansen, to news. The Bureau initially investigated the case as grievous bodily harm resulting in death, but then changed the coding to murder. Counsel for the deceased’s survivors, John Christian Elden, has previously stated that it was something they asked for already when the murder took place. – We understand that it is being investigated whether it could be an emergency guardian, but with the number of shots and reloading of the weapon, it would be artificial to call it anything other than a murder investigation, he says. This is what the door of the wheel loader looked like after the shooting incident. Photo: Hanne Wilhelms / news They thought the forks would hit them in the chest. According to the special unit, the incident occurred at approximately 01:45 on the night of 9 December 2022, in the deceased’s yard. A police patrol with two officers arrived at the scene in a service car, after they had been asked to assist health personnel, who were on their way to the address. The police were subject to a general fixed armament, and the officers thus carried a pistol. The deceased is said to have been in the cab of a wheel loader when the police arrived at the scene. The wheel loader was then set in motion, and drove towards the uniformed police car. This is how the male officer now describes what he thought that night. – The forks are lowered to a height that we both perceive will mean that they will hit us in the chest, he says to Politiforum. Went in slow motion The male officer, who is being investigated for murder, got out of the police car before it was hit by the wheel loader. When the wheel loader hit the car, the female officer was still in the car. – Then I am sure that now I will die. Everything starts to go in slow motion. I think about what it’s like to be impaled. If it takes a long time before I die, she says to Politiforum. – I keep looking at the inventory in the car to see if the forks from the wheel loader come through. Then the angle of the car suddenly changes, she continues. The police car is said to have overturned. – Then my next fear is that he will just drive over me and use all the tonnes to simply smash the car. Or that the car stops sliding, so that he gets enough resistance to actually drive through, says the female officer to Politiforum. It was this wheel loader that the deceased man was sitting in when he allegedly attacked the police. Photo: Hanne Wilhelms / news So no other way out According to the male police officer’s interview in Politiforum, he must have fallen just after he got out of the car. – When I do this, I think “now I’m going to die”, he says. The man is said to have fired 18 or 19 shots. He now says to Politiforum that he saw no other way out. – I shoot in motion, because both the wheel loader and the car are moving. When the last shot is fired, I perceive that the action has stopped, at least temporarily, he tells Politiforum. It was 49-year-old Hans Arne Nystad who was shot and killed by the police. Photo: private – They should be allowed to have their understanding of reality. The only person who could have spoken against them has been killed, says lawyer Elden to VG. He has previously told news that the number of shots fired should become a central question for the Bureau. – Why it was necessary to use emergency guards with 15 shots to get away, and if there was, that is a topic that must be decided, he told news shortly after the incident.
