The nurse index shows that the housing market is more accessible – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– In 2023, it has become easier for a normal wage earner in Norway to become a home owner, says analysis and model manager Anders Lund Francke at Eiendomsverdi AS. With the exception of Stavanger, Kristiansand and Ålesund, the proportion of homes a nurse can buy in Norway is rising. This is shown by the nurse index for 2023, which was published today. In Oslo, a nurse with an estimated annual salary of NOK 675,900 can now buy 2.4 per cent of the homes in the city. To get financing for a suitable home in Oslo, one should now have an annual salary of NOK 728,000, which is a decrease from NOK 780,000 in the first half of 2023. Last year, a nurse could only afford to buy 1 in 100 homes in Oslo. In Norway’s cheapest area, Porsgrunn/Skien, it takes a scant NOK 316,000 in salary to be able to become a home owner. Fears of sharp rise In 2023, housing prices in Norway increased by 0.5 per cent, measured as 12-month growth throughout the year, according to Eiendom Norge’s housing price statistics. – Although the nursing index shows a positive trend this year for the first time in a long time, the sea is rough ahead of us, says managing director Henning Lauridsen of Eiendom Norge. Photo: Johnny Vaet Nordskog He then points to the fact that since 2022, we have seen the biggest drop in new home sales in 30 years. This means that few homes will be added to the market in the coming years. – We fear that the low level of housing construction will be able to lay the foundation for a sharp rise in house prices in 2025 and 2026, says Lauridsen. It is particularly precarious in Oslo, where the construction of new homes has been a persistent problem for many years. With the change we have had in inflation over the past two years and good wage growth, housing has become cheaper in Norway. – Real estate prices are now actually at the same level as in 2017, says Lauridsen.
