The Norwegian Public Roads Administration creates a bird park on Hadeland to take care of vipe – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

A new four-lane motorway is under construction in Hadeland. Meter by metre, he takes in the cultural landscape. For the birds that nest here, this means that they have to restrict their habitat. New national highway 4 between Roa and Lygna – Three out of four viper nests have been lost this year, says Even Stensrud, environmental adviser at the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. The Swedish Road Administration has itself mapped the natural diversity in the area where they are building the new national highway 4. Environmental adviser in the Swedish Road Administration, Even Stensrud. Photo: Tordis Gauteplass / news Now they want to set aside an area in Lunner for a bird park. 25 measures must be specially arranged for whipping. The Vipa population is decreasing dramatically – Vipa has so many incredible challenges that I almost don’t know where to start. Anne Gri Stenbråten Henriksen in Birdlife knows what she is talking about. Bird counts indicate that the vulture population has decreased by around ninety percent in the last 20 years. The bird is now considered critically endangered. Anne Gri Stenbråten Henriksen in Birdlife Norway Photo: Tordis Gauteplass / news – When these migratory birds come here to the land of love Norway to reproduce, they may have already lost several lives abroad, during their winter stay, due to hunting. Effective farming destroys Viper mothers lay their eggs directly on the ground, preferably in a field. A bad strategy, considering both predators and tractors. The way we cultivate the soil also makes it difficult for the vipa. She needs moist ground where she will live. – Efficiency in agriculture means that we drain the water away from the fields. This leads to a loss of habitat, explains the ornithologist. Photo: Anne Gri Stenbråten Henriksen / Birdlife This is exactly what the Swedish Road Administration now wants to remedy. On a plot of land, which was bought in connection with the road development, both a water channel and a pond will be built. According to the rule, all cultivated land must be returned to agriculture when the road is finished. This particular piece of land is so prone to fallow that no farmer wants it. But for vipa, the area will be perfect. – I dream of a large water mirror with small islands that are safe from predators, says Even Stensrud enthusiastically. The hope is that this will become an open area with large collections of all kinds of migrating birds. – So I am led to believe that the vipa will use it, and will both nest and graze here in the years to come. There are too few viper chicks growing up. Photo: Anne Gri Stenberg Henriksen / Birdlife Vipa lays its eggs right on the ground Photo: Tordis Gauteplass / news Environmental advisor Even Stensrud in the Norwegian Public Roads Administration maps the natural diversity where the new motorway will run. Photo: Tordis Gauteplass / news The bird park will be located south of the old route to rv.4 Photo: Tordis Gauteplass / news No extra costs The Swedish Road Administration will now use free capacity with the contractor, while they build the motorway. In this way, the bird park will not blow up the road budget. Ornithologist Anne Gri Stenbråten Henriksen welcomes the measure and hopes it will set the standard for all future road projects. Here on the south side of the old rv. 4, the bird park will be located Photo: Tordis Gauteplass / news – If the vipa likes it, it means that many other species are also doing well. In this cultural landscape, both song lark, bush wagtail and yellow sparrow are examples of bird species that are also in trouble. Even Stensrud believes there will be more of this in the future. – Now the focus is on facilitating natural diversity, so I have faith that I will get even better at this. We make major interventions, and then we have to replace, restore and bring back. It is the first time the Norwegian Public Roads Administration has built a so-called bird park. The work starts after the summer. When the nesting season starts in the spring, everything should be ready.
