The Norwegian Meteorological Institute has issued a warning for lightning, thunder, rain and strong winds in Eastern Norway – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

This year’s summer weather has been variable. And again, these would mean that you have to spend for these processes. Lightning and thunder made their march over Eastern Norway and Finnmark on Wednesday. The strong weather came sweeping over Norway from the southwest. – We have sent out danger warnings in parts of Eastern Norway, says state meteorologist Håkon Mjeldstad. Lots of lightning, thunderstorms and strong gusts of over 17 m / s in the east are what we have in store for the evening, according to the Meteorological Institute. DANGER TO DANGER: Earlier today, the Fire Brigade responded to a possible forest fire as a result of lightning in both Nome and Notodden, in Telemark. Photo: / Meteorological Institute Do you have photos or video of lightning and thunder? Feel free to tell us here. Strong 24-hour fly The weather comes from Rogaland and moves northeast. – It crosses the Oslo Fjord and southern parts of the Inland, Mjeldstad explains. From 12:00 on Wednesday, the weather changed. – In addition, there are thunderstorms and rain north of Hedmark and east towards the border areas with Sweden, says the state meteorologist. He explains that this is not part of the weather from the southwest, but is a thunderstorm that goes by itself. NEW TRICK FOR OLD DOG: State meteorologist Håkon Mjeldstad says they have changed one of the tips on how we should behave in lightning after information from the USA. Photo: Meteorological Institute – There will be building weather that may be a bit organized. You will see that something will pass. So it does not last long, the state meteorologist adds. He explains that the more showers that collide, the stronger the weather and the greater the potential for damage. – The building weather that comes inland in the east can collapse in some places and be more organized. Then there will be more lightning locally and stronger weather. To see where there is lightning, you can follow ORGANIZED: The registrations of the Meteorological Institute clearly show how the weather can accumulate to create trouble. Photo: @meteorologene New tip for old homework Until last year, meteorologists in all years have recommended people who are out and about in the mountains to throw themselves down when lightning strikes nearby. The reason for this was that one should not be the highest point. Something we are well acquainted with. But Mjelstad states that they have turned to information from the USA. – Now we’ll squat down. So that only the soles of the shoes are in contact with the ground and one still makes oneself as small as possible, says the state meteorologist. The reason why you should not lie down anymore is that then you can still be seriously injured when lightning strikes the ground and you are in contact with it. Meteorologists’ tips are clear: Seek shelter and avoid large open areas and trees Do not swim or go out by boat Be careful with mountain trips Disconnect electrical appliances Avoid places that are particularly exposed to wind Safe loose objects Stay up to date on the weather Not everything can be saved I In addition to personal injuries, it is also important to keep in mind important and less important assets. – If it lightens where you are, you should unplug all electronics at once, says Senior Communications Advisor Torbjørn Brandeggen at Trygg Trafikk in a press release. He emphasizes that a lot of electronics can be replaced, but it is not certain that one can save the pictures and memories that one is so fond of. FLYING TRAMPOLINES: Torbjørn Brandeggen at Tryg Forsikring encourages people to get out to secure loose objects for to prevent them from flying around and can cause injury. Photo: Tryg – We always do our best to recover such data, but sometimes it gets lost. Immovable data should therefore be stored in the cloud for security, says Brandeggen Vinden can lead to many being without power for several hours according to the Senior Communications Advisor. He also says that we should prepare. – Everyone who lives in the central eastern region should get out and secure loose objects, parasols and trampolines. According to the press release, electrical short circuits dominate the damage figures after lightning strikes, but the fire damage is the most expensive to compensate.
