The Norwegian Maritime Directorate admits missing out on the Nordland Express – news Nordland

It is more than two years since the captains on board the two state-of-the-art speedboats “Regine Normann” and “Elsa Laula Renberg” first sounded the alarm about the evacuation system on board. This spring, they put their foot down. The captains believed that in an emergency they would not be able to evacuate 220 people, for whom the boats are approved. They refused to gamble with the safety of the passengers, and introduced a maximum of 150 people on board. After first rejecting the captains and the shipping company Boreal Sjø, the Norwegian Maritime Directorate is today taking self-criticism. Dag Inge Aarhus, who is communications director at the Norwegian Maritime Directorate, states that the directorate conducts a thorough safety review of each individual vessel before it is put into the sea. – The Norwegian Maritime Directorate’s conclusion is that there are challenges associated with the location of the fleets, says Dag Inge Aarhus, who is department director for communication and public relations at the Norwegian Maritime Directorate. Photo: Gisle Jørgensen / news But when “Regine Normann” and “Elsa Laula Renberg” were approved, it was missed. But exactly what went wrong, Aarhus can not answer. Roses Boreal – What our professionals have seen or not, is difficult for me to comment on. But in the light of hindsight, one can say that these are things we should have seen beforehand before we approved, he says. And elaborates: – A design can basically look good. But when you go into it, and see it in practical use, it may not be as good as you thought. The problem here is that the crew has revealed that in a worst case scenario, some of the capacity of the evacuation systems can be deployed. “Passengers can end up right in the sea” In an emergency, the reserve fleet on the front deck must be released, and towed forward with cables and winch, so that the passengers sitting in front of the boats can be evacuated. However, during testing in the harbor basin, there must have been problems with getting the raft in the correct position, so that the slide with which the passengers are to slide down does not hit the opening in the side of the evacuation raft. The challenge will be that you will not be able to get the fleet in place with the equipment you have installed today. And that the evacuation slide tends to disappear under the bow of the boat. The result can then be that the passengers end up right in the sea, according to the crew. These challenges increase in wind and rough seas – such as during a rescue operation in stormy winters. In addition, the boats are built so high that the slide will be very steep, according to the crew. In addition, the two main rafts are mounted directly above the engine room. The crew therefore fears what might happen if a fire occurs in one of the two engine rooms. If a fire develops and the flames lick up the side of the ship, the crew fears that one of the main fleets will be put out of action. In such a “worst case” scenario, it will be possible to evacuate 150 people, according to the crew. To be sure of a safe evacuation, the crew and Boreal will not take responsibility for more than about 150 people on board. Today, Aarhus praises the company. – We would like to pay tribute to the shipping company and the masters who took action when they discovered a safety risk. They deserve praise for that. Theme at the county council Every summer, thousands of tourists travel to Lofoten and Helgeland with the state-of-the-art speedboats “Elsa Laula Renberg” and “Regine Normann”. Nordland County Municipality has the highest responsibility for public transport in the county. They own the speedboats. The summer holidays are approaching and reduced passenger capacity is a problem. Today, the problems were a topic at the county council. – This is a huge challenge. We are in contact with the shipping company and the shipyard that has built the boats to see how we can solve the problem with the fleets as soon as possible, says county councilor for transport and infrastructure, Monica Sande (Sp). She places the responsibility for the situation on the Norwegian Maritime Directorate. – It is good that the captains have taken this responsibility, and seen that something was wrong, says county councilor Monika Sande. Photo: Sondre Skjelvik / news – They have approved the boats in two rounds. We have been in good faith. When the captains came with their message of concern, we trusted the Norwegian Maritime Directorate. Then it turned out that it was the captains who were right. Who will take the bills? Nordland County Municipality has always denied that they have any responsibility for the situation that has arisen. They have believed that the shipping company Boreal, which operates Nordlandsekspressen, is responsible for the situation. Before the weekend, general manager Steinar Mathisen in Boreal Sea said that a solution could be to move the leading fleet further back on the boats. When asked who will take the bill for a possible conversion, Mathisen answers as follows: – Boreal does not want to comment on contractual conditions, but we are not the ones who designed or built the boats. County councilor Monika Sande tells news that it is not clear who has to turn up. But she is pretty sure that it will be lawyer food. – It is something we have to work on finding out, she says. It is still uncertain when the fast boats “Elsa Laula Renberg” and “Regine Normann” will run at full passenger capacity. Photo: Isabell Grønnslett / Nordland County Municipality The parties will now continue to work on finding permanent solutions. And the case has top priority in the Norwegian Maritime Directorate. – It is a priority task for the Norwegian Maritime Directorate. We will spend time finding a solution that is permanent and safe. We have had a very good dialogue with the parties, and we are sure that we will find a solution so that the boats can go with 220 people again. How long it will take I am more uncertain, says Dag Inge Aarhus.
