The Norwegian Health Authority starts investigations into debts owed to psychiatrists – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

The case has received a lot of attention in the media after author Hilde Rød-Larsen told about her “metoo” experience with a Norwegian psychiatrist. It was while working on the novel “Diamond Nights” that she understood that what she was writing about was about her own experiences: a border-crossing relationship between her and the psychiatrist, according to Rød-Larsen. – I want a formal investigation to be launched into the specific psychiatrist I was talking about, said Rød-Larsen to news yesterday. The case led to an avalanche of debates in social media, and experts believe that it has started an important debate. Now the Norwegian Health Authority confirms to VG that they have started investigations into her debts to the psychiatrist. – When such information comes to light in the public domain, it obliges the supervisory authorities to investigate more closely, says director Jan Fredrik Andresen of the State Health Inspectorate to VG. He said that it was the Norwegian Health Authority that contacted Rød-Larsen. – Not a patient relationship The lawyer for psychiatrist Halvard Helle tells news that there is not a patient relationship. – This is not about a doctor-patient relationship. It concerns a relationship between two adults which was based on consent and which happened many years ago, says Helle. He says that is why you will not be the basis for an investigation. – But once that has happened, the Norwegian Health Authority will of course get good answers to all the questions they may have about the case, he says. LAWYER: Halvard Helle is a partner in the law firm Schjødt. Photo: Øyvind Bye Skille / news
