The Norwegian Environmental Party wants to take power over nature mapping from the developers – news Dokumentar

– Today, developers can shop for impact assessments. They set strict guidelines. If they are dissatisfied with a report, they can buy a new one from another company. This practice means that nature loses, says Sofie Marhaug. She is environmental policy spokesperson in Raudt. Now they have agreed with four other parties that it is no longer developers who will order the analysis of the natural values ​​in the area. Clip from the Supervisor on news TV In February, news showed that the man who sorted out the commercial area Grenlandsporten became a co-owner of the development company. Before he became a co-owner, the consultant had determined that the intervention had only moderately negative consequences for nature. The nature surveyors believed that the consequences were actually very large. – The verdict news showed was completely extreme. We need a clean-up and better management, because the system does not work today, says Marhaug. This is the proposal Raudt, SV, Venstre, MDG, KrF and Patientfokus want the Storting to ask the government to explain “how the system with impact assessments of nature interventions in development plans and measures can be carried out in an independent way, so that the bond between the developer and the that works out gets broken”. It must not lead to increased costs for the state or municipalities. The party has not proposed to whom the responsibility should be shifted. They think this is something the government should find out. Have no confidence In 2021, news investigated the bond between developers and the consultants who are to investigate the natural values. Then 12 out of 13 nature surveyors answered that they were influenced by the oversight of the developers. Morgenbladet has written about how the AF group threatened not to pay for a nature survey from Biofokus, unless the company changes the “tone” in the report. – I am concerned that those who destroy nature deliberately fail to report how much they actually destroy, says Lars Haltbrekken in SV. Venstre’s Ola Elvestuen believes that the findings are often far too bad. Une Bastholm in MDG says it is obvious that the current system fails to protect nature. Kjell Ingolf Ropstad (KrF) is in agreement. – When large projects involving the destruction of nature end up on the table of the local government, they must be able to rely on the accompanying impact assessments, says Ropstad. Less power, less development? Raudt has no clear answer as to who should be responsible, if the developers are not to have it. But Marhaug wants a strengthening of public nature management. If the developer continues to pay, she does not think more staffing will be so expensive. – It will limit the developers’ power. Then it may also end up that they are not allowed to build as much. If developers have a greater chance of being refused, we will also see fewer applications for development, says Marhaug. The government must consider It is the third time Raudt is tempted to reduce the power of the developers. Five of the parties proposed the same thing last spring, but then they were strongly voted down in the Storting. Since then, they have included Patient Focus as a voice on the team. – Now it feels like there is some movement because these matters have received much more attention in recent months. I think more people understand how serious it is, says Marhaug. Climate and Environment Minister Andreas Bjelland Eriksen tells news that the government is already in the process of revising the regulation on impact assessments. – An important part of this work will be to examine how we can best ensure good and objective impact assessments, and how we can best ensure that the assessments are not influenced by developers. Ties between the developer and the person who works out will be part of what the government is considering, says the minister. Bård is thrown on a journey in a country with forests that are not forests and fjords that are not fjords. Understand it whoever can.
