The Norwegian Diving Association and DSB warn against the use of snorkels by children under the age of 7 – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Although the summer holidays are over for many, there are still good bathing temperatures in several places. The Norwegian Diving Association asks parents who buy snorkels for their children to be careful, and warns that there are snorkels that are marketed to children who are too young. LOW AGE: Age marking of 3 years and above. Photo: Marthe Knutsen / news DSB: – Age labeling under 3 years is problematic – It is problematic that the very youngest use snorkels. They shouldn’t do that. It is completely in line with what the rest of the professional expertise also says. This is according to Sverre Limtun in the Directorate for Community Safety and Emergency Preparedness (DSB). He is the head of investigations for product safety. REMINDER OF SUPERVISION: It is important that parents monitor whether the children are going snorkelling, says the Oslo Fire and Rescue Service. (ILLUSTRATION PHOTO) Photo: Gunnar Lier / NTB Limtun says it is the producer’s responsibility to assess who the product is recommended to be used by. Most snorkels have age markings, and some are marked all the way down to children as young as 3 years old. – It is problematic. We have to look at that a little more closely. How have they managed to arrive at the conclusion that it is safe for 3-year-olds to use, when it is otherwise so clear that it should not be used by children under 7? he asks. SUMMER ACTIVITY: Several families with children use diving masks and snorkels in the summer. Photo: Marthe Knutsen / news He says that DSB will now take a closer look at this. – We should intensify the work a little to avoid the serious accidents from happening. Children are a vulnerable group, states Limtun. Stating a lower age than recommended Among online shops that offer snorkel equipment for young children is the Danish Lekeakademiet, which also delivers to Norway. After news got in touch, they now decided to remove their snorkel equipment from the website. Stephanie Payer-Lemming at the Lekeakademiet says they will consider whether they should sell this type of product to children under 7 years of age at all. – There are no retailers interested in selling products to children that are not safe, says Payer-Lemming. The play academy’s snorkel equipment for children between 4 and 12 years. Photo: Screenshot from Lekeakademiet Ho says that it is the foreign manufacturer’s recommended age that is stated. Simen Wilberg at the online store Frivannsliv thinks this is mostly about the size of the diving mask. – That is the reason why we do the job with extra text on the relevant product, cover letters with shipments and free online courses, says Simen Wilberg in Frivannsliv. “Suitable for children from approximately 3-4 years and up to 16 years”, writes Frivannsliv on its online store. Photo: Screenshot from Frivannsliv – We can of course highlight the text even more clearly, says Wilberg. The Fjellsport online store says that they were not aware that children should not use snorkels when they are under 7 years old. – But now that we have been made aware of this, we will not buy this product in the future, says Rachel Sande Jacobsen in Fjellsport. news has tried to contact the producers directly, without being able to get through. It is important to breathe extra deeply The Norwegian Diving Association (NDF) does not recommend free diving for children under 7 years of age. – From the age of 7, children under the direct supervision of parents can use a snorkel designed for children, says Gunnar Midtgaard of the Norwegian Diving Association. PROBLEMATIC: Sverre Limtun, investigation manager for product safety at DSB, says that it is problematic with age marking all the way down to children as young as 3 years old. Photo: DSB He says that there are snorkels adapted to a lower volume. The snorkel for children has a volume of 1-1.2 dl and is a maximum of 30 cm long to prevent the same air being breathed in and out. Children and young people over 50 kilos can use adult snorkels. It is important that they know that you should breathe extra deeply to prevent CO₂ poisoning, writes Unconscious after snorkeling The Oslo Fire and Rescue Service issued a warning on Facebook this summer. There they write that many people are not aware of the danger when using a snorkel in the water. The reason why they issued this warning on Facebook was an accident in Frysja in Oslo this summer, where a child was knocked unconscious after snorkelling. Informational video: Oslo Fire and Rescue Service – Put your phones away Midtgaard in the diving association emphasizes that it is important that adults look after the children very well. – Put away mobile phones and keep an eye on the children when they are out in the water, urges rescue diver leader Marius Kirkenes at the Oslo Fire and Rescue Service. – Parents being in the water and testing the snorkel together with the children is of course the best, he says.
