The Norwegian Consumer Protection Authority reports to the police Tinde Energi AS – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

This is revealed in a press release on Wednesday. In December, the Norwegian Consumer Protection Authority notified infringement charges against the company for breaching the Marketing Act. Has worked with the company since the summer After thorough investigations, according to the press release, the inspectorate has now reported the company to the police for possible fraud and attempted fraud. The public agency states that it has received many complaints against the electricity company since the summer of 2022. They believe that Tinde has committed or attempted to commit fraud in several cases. “The reason why the Norwegian Consumer Protection Authority considered making a decision was that the company sent out a notice of changes to the fixed price agreements and the price cap agreements they have with their private customers. Such agreements are binding for the duration of the agreement, and the electricity company cannot change a fixed price agreement or an agreement with a price cap that has already been entered into,” writes Forbrukertilsynet in the report. Trond Rønningen, director of the Norwegian Consumer Protection Authority. Photo: DAG JENSSEN / Forbrukertilsynet Trond Rønningen, director of Forbrukertilsynet, states that they have been working with the company since the summer of 2022. – We have already notified decisions on infringement fees and compulsory fines. After we got an even better overview of the case, we see that there are circumstances here that we believe qualify for reporting under the provisions on fraud, he says to news. news has tried to get a comment from the company’s management. So far no luck. Just before Christmas, the company announced that they had to shut down. Reporter chairman and managing director In the report, the Norwegian Consumer Protection Authority has requested that the police investigate whether Tinde Energi has committed or attempted to commit fraud by the following acts: By the company sending out invoices to customers with an agreed price ceiling without taking the agreed price ceiling into account. In that the company terminated power agreements with a price guarantee and lock-in period, without notifying consumers of the termination. By trying to get customers to cancel favorable electricity agreements with a price guarantee. By notifying changes in contract terms, which would mean that consumer customers were additionally invoiced for electricity support and receive a limited, agreed consumption of electricity at the agreed, favorable price. The Norwegian Consumer Protection Authority has also reported the chairman of the company for complicity or attempted complicity in fraud on these points, they write in the press release. The Norwegian Consumer Protection Authority believes that the alleged offenses were committed deliberately. – We believe that the chairman and general manager are so involved in the company’s operations that we have reported them for contributing to the fraud and the conditions which we believe are contrary to the provisions of the Criminal Code, says Rønningen.
