The Norwegian Association of Lecturers breaks with KS and announces escalation – Latest news – news

19 September 2022 at 19:45 The Norwegian Association of Lecturers breaks with KS and warns of escalation Thus both the National Association of Schools, the Norwegian Association of Lecturers and the Education Association have chosen not to continue negotiations with KS. – Our goal has been to find a solution and avoid a forced wage board. That is why we initially agreed to continue the process when we first got a seat at the negotiating table. We have now closed that door, says Helle Christin Nyhuus, head of the Norwegian Association of Lecturers, in a press release. According to national mediator Mats Wilhelm Ruland, there are no plans for new meetings immediately after he has been in contact with the parties on Monday. – I will continue to follow up the parties, and it is an expectation on my part that the parties will continue to look for a solution, says Ruland to news. The Norwegian Association of Lecturers has been on strike since 8 June, and currently has 60 members on strike. The Norwegian Association of Lecturers will announce a new escalation tomorrow. – Regrettably, we found no basis for us to reach an agreement. It’s a great shame. This has been a prolonged strike. Any lecturer who is away from the classroom should worry KS, says Nyhuus in the press release.
