The Norwegian Armed Forces have signed a missile agreement worth NOK five billion for F-35 fighters – news Trøndelag

– We are very pleased that Norway now also has access to such advanced missiles, says Defense Minister Bjørn Arild Gram (Sp) in a press release. Gro Jære, Director of Defense Materials, today signed an agreement with the US authorities on the purchase of AMRAAM-D air-to-air missiles for use on Norwegian F-35 combat aircraft worth approx. five billion kroner. – The F-35 is the Armed Forces’ most powerful capability, and this will strengthen the operational capability, comments Eivind Byre, lieutenant colonel and head of communications in the Air Force to news. It is the largest single procurement of weapons for the Norwegian Armed Forces ever, reports the Ministry of Defence. AMRAAM-D will be the main weapon Norwegian combat aircraft will use to defend Norwegian airspace for decades to come. From left: Minister of Defense Bjørn Arild Gram, Director of Defense Materiel Gro Jære and US Defense Attaché to Norway Navy Captain Eric Severseike. Photo: Alina Krogstad / Defense Material – We are carrying out a large procurement of medium-range air-to-air missiles that will unleash the potential of the F35 platform and strengthen our future defense capability. It is particularly important in light of the current security policy situation, says the Minister of Defense in the announcement from the Ministry of Defence. Weapons with better sensors and range According to the Ministry of Defence, the missile represents some of the best in American defense technology. The weapon was previously only to be exported to close allies such as Canada, Australia and Great Britain. AMRAAM-D is an upgraded version of the missiles that have previously been used by both the F-16 and the air defense system NASAMS. With a more powerful engine, better control systems and data link, the missile will give Norwegian combat aircraft a better ability to combat the breadth of modern air threats, according to the Ministry of Defence. – The F-35 is equipped with sensors that can find far more types of threats over much greater distances than before. Through this acquisition, the planes get a weapon that also has major improvements in sensors and range, and which will be effective against everything from drones and cruise missiles to other combat aircraft, says Jære in the press release. Part of the fighter aircraft procurement The missiles will be delivered up to and including 2028. The procurement is part of the cost framework for the fighter aircraft procurement, where large parts of the remaining funds will be used for various types of weapons, including AMRAAM-D and JSM, writes the Ministry of Defence. The air defense system NASAMS using AMRAAM during sniper fire at the Andøya firing range. Photo: Martin Mellquist / Defense In connection with the agreement, an industrial cooperation agreement is also signed with the missile manufacturer Raytheon, which already has close cooperation with several Norwegian defense companies. – It is important for the government that large defense procurements from abroad should also create opportunities for Norwegian industry, and this is no exception. We see several current areas of cooperation that together can ensure value creation, says Gram in the press release.
