The nomination election in the USA – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Only Nikki Haley remains as a challenger to Donald Trump in the race to become the Republican presidential candidate, after Ron DeSantis withdrew at the weekend. In the next few weeks, there will be nomination elections in the various states. Donald Trump won overwhelmingly in the state of Iowa. He also walked away with the victory in the nomination election in New Hampshire last night. Will it be exciting, or does the victory already belong to Trump? Here are five questions from the public that our correspondents have answered about the US election. Anders Tvegård and Tove Bjørgaas have answered questions about the election in the USA. Photo: Eskil Wie Furunes / news Is there hope for Nikki Haley? – Haley is doing well in polls among Republican voters with higher education, answers US correspondent Tove Bjørgaas. New Hampshire is a state with a fairly high percentage of such Republicans. Massachusetts, Virginia, New Jersey and Colorado are other states in which she might be able to do well. At the same time, many experts believe that it is difficult to see how she will be able to keep up with Trump with Trump’s victory in New Hampshire. – Our fight is not over, because we have a country to save, Haley said after Trump’s defeat in New Hampshire. Photo: AFP In his own home state of South Carolina, which has an election on 24 February, Trump also has strong support. The Republican Party today seems like it’s still largely the party of Trump, and it’s the voters in the middle who support Haley. – She would probably do well in the presidential election itself in November because she is more moderate and can also get votes from people who voted for Biden last time, but such calculations may not be so important for those who vote in these nomination elections, explains Bjørgaas. Did Haley attack Trump too late? – It has probably only been Chris Christie who has been clear about what he thinks about Trump. The others, like Haley, have been cautious, answers US correspondent Anders Tvegård. – Maybe they were afraid of pushing away the MAGA voters (Trump’s loyal supporters – Make America Great Again)? In New Hampshire, the Trump campaign has used political points in its advertisements against Haley, while the former president has filled in with personal attacks from the stage, often to great cheers from supporters. Donald Trump in familiar style from the pulpit. Photo: ALEX WONG / AFP Haley has only recently used Trump’s age and mental abilities against him, but to an audience that is already curious about her. She has tried to remind that Trump has lost elections to Republicans time and time again, without it getting through. USA correspondent Tove Bjørgaas explains why Donald Trump is doing so well in the Republican nomination elections. Can Trump become president if he ends up in prison? – Yes, on paper he can, replies Tvegård. There is nothing in the constitution that prevents a convicted person from standing as a presidential candidate. There is, on the other hand, a constitutional amendment from the civil war cases which states that persons convicted of sedition cannot become president. The states of Colorado and Maine are trying to remove Trump from the ballot during the nomination election, citing sedition – meaning the storming of Congress on January 6, 2021) and the 14th Amendment. The Supreme Court will issue a statement on the matter in due course. – But running the country from a prison presents practical challenges, so all this is a feast for lawyers with ingredients such as pardons, security clearance, postponement of sentencing and so on, says Tvegård. Will Trump lose support if he is convicted? – Donald Trump’s base is solid, and cannot be influenced, replies Tvegård. It seems that the charges, on the contrary, have strengthened him. Moderate Republicans have signaled that they will not support a convicted president, but it is unclear how large this group is. And then it is unclear whether the judiciary can finish processing the cases before the election in November. – The rulings will almost certainly be appealed by the losing party, says Tvegård. Who can vote in the nomination elections? Primary elections are most common, which are carried out as we know them, with polling stations and ballot papers. Certain states have so-called caucuses, such as Iowa, Nevada, North Dakota and Utah. These are public meetings where they agree on the party’s candidate. It does not have to be the same for both parties in the same state. The Republicans have more caucuses than the Democrats, and the rules can vary from place to place. Watch the USA expert explain the system. The comment field is now closed, but you can still see the questions and answers below. Hello! Welcome to dialogue at news. Since you are logged in to other news services, you do not have to log in again here, but we need your consent to our terms of use for online dialogue
