The National Audit Office: Valuables are hidden abroad – The Tax Agency’s control is too poor – Latest news – news

19 October 2023 at 14:00 The National Audit Office: Valuables are hidden abroad – The Norwegian Tax Agency’s control is too poor The Norwegian community loses NOK 7 billion a year due to income and assets being hidden abroad and tax evasion, according to the National Audit Office. – The tax authorities have calculated an annual tax loss of around NOK 7 billion. The consequence is that the community loses significant income and that confidence in the tax system is put under pressure, says Auditor General Karl Eirik Schjøtt-Pedersen. He says it is objectionable that the Swedish Tax Agency does not control the reporting of foreign assets better. – We have seen that we have had too few controls in this area. That is why we have already taken action, says tax director Nina Schanke Funnemark.
