The National Audit Office presents a report on the introduction of the F-35 fighter jet – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

For the first time, the National Audit Office publishes information about the phasing in of the F-35. The National Audit Office criticizes the Ministry of Defense for not having budgeted so that the target for the introduction of combat aircraft can be reached by 2025. This despite the fact that the risks have been known for a long time. They point out that it is not satisfactory that the lifetime costs for the acquisition of combat aircraft are underestimated. There are two things the National Audit Office has investigated: Lifetime costs for the F-35 Infrastructure and support functions for the combat air force’s operational capability At 1 pm they presented the report and it was expected that there would be criticism of the Ministry of Defence. Parts of the report, which deal with operational capability, are graded. It is for the security of the kingdom. Shortage of personnel and material Delayed delivery of F-35 Norway has received 40 out of 52 combat aircraft. The price tag per flight is NOK 1.74 billion. It is planned that all the new combat aircraft will be delivered by 2024. In addition, the aircraft will be fully operational in 2025. Norway receives six aircraft a year from American Lockheed Martin. But the delivery of the combat aircraft has been delayed. Among other things, it is due to an accident during the test flight of a fighter plane in the USA. Then Lockheed Martin stopped all test flights and deliveries of the aircraft. Delivery started again in May.
