The mushrooms come extra early this year and before the mushroom checks are underway – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

The matter in summary • The mushroom season has started extra early this year, but most mushroom checks do not start until August.• Forager Ella Grorud has already filled the basket with mushrooms several times already, and gives tips on looking for mushrooms on the edge of the forest where they are more light.• The Norwegian mushroom and useful plant association has the app, “Mushroom control”, which can be used to check whether the mushroom is safe to eat. In 2023, 1,885 out of 100,000 submitted mushrooms were classified as poisonous and 462 as very poisonous.• Ella Grorud recommends beginners to learn one mushroom at a time, and suggests chanterelle, kremle, spike and pipe mushrooms as good mushrooms to start with. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. With a wet summer, everything is in place for an extra early start to the mushroom season. Ella Grorud has already filled the basket with many kilos of mushrooms. Ella Grorud is a super sinker who lives off what nature gives us. She has already picked several kilos of mushrooms this summer. Photo: Guro Hatlo / news She makes a living from gathering, courses and lectures about mushrooms and other beneficial plants in nature. – This early in the season, there is the greatest chance of finding mushrooms on the edge of the forest where there is more light, and they are often well hidden in tall grass, says Grorud. But for new mushroom hunters, the early season can be fatal, if you pick the wrong mushrooms for dinner. Most mushroom inspections do not start until August in large parts of the country. Uncovered 462 highly toxic mushrooms in 2023 Although most physical mushroom controls have not started, there is a digital possibility to check the catch. Four years ago, the Norwegian Mushroom and Useful Crops Association launched the “Mushroom Control” app. The digital mushroom control can be downloaded on the mobile and make your mushroom trip safer. At the other end, the mushroom experts are ready to help you in the afternoon on weekdays and at weekends. Photo: Guro Hatlo / news In 2023, we sent Norwegians over 100,000 mushrooms for digital mushroom control. 1,885 of them were classified as toxic and 462 as very toxic. – Pointed and blunt toadstools and white and green fly agarics are very poisonous. They can cause lasting damage and potentially be fatal to eat, says Trond Arvid Berg-Hansen, member of the board of the Norwegian Mushroom and Useful Plants Association. This year they staffed the Digital mushroom control app already from 1 July because they knew it was going to be an extra early mushroom season, says Trond Arvid Berg-Hansen, who is a member of the board of the Norwegian Mushroom and Useful Plants Association. Photo: Privat He emphasizes that deaths after eating mushrooms are extremely rare in Norway. As far as he knows, that hasn’t happened in the last 20 years. However, digital mushroom control can never fully replace a physical mushroom control, adds Berg-Hansen. The trick is one at a time With a trained eye, Ella Grorud searches the edge of the forest for edible mushrooms. She is a trained mushroom inspector and attends physical mushroom inspections to check what people have in their baskets. Early in the mushroom season, it is often at the edge of the forest where there is more light that you find the most mushrooms, according to Grorud. Photo: Guro Hatlo / news – The biggest fear of all beginners is that they are insecure, she says. Grorud’s tip for inexperienced mushroom pickers is to learn one mushroom at a time, so that you are sure of what you put in the basket. – Look! Lovely funnel chanterelles, exclaims the experienced harvester energetically. It is not always easy to find the mushroom. They often hide under the grass, so a little searching is required. Photo: Guro Hatlo / news Mushrooms for beginners When Grorud holds a mushroom course for beginners, the goal is to make them safe. – On the basic course, I deal with the very simplest mushrooms. Those that are easily recognizable and that are good edible mushrooms. And of course we are talking about the poisonous ones, which you should stay away from. Funnel chanterelle is easily recognizable and a good mushroom for beginners. On the way home from a trip to the cabin recently, super-sanker Grorud tripped over 3 kilos of funnel chanterelles which he brought home in the car. There is no doubt that it is an early and lush season this year, says Grorud. Photo: Guro Hatlo / news Chanterelle, kremle, porcini and pipe mushrooms are good for beginners to start with, according to Grorud. Forager Ella Grorud’s basket has started to fill up with delicious mushrooms. And she is absolutely sure that it is edible. Hi! Thanks for reading! Do you have any tips or input on this matter or other things I should write about? Feel free to send me an email! Published 18.07.2024, at 07.06
