The municipality removes electric scooters – Ryde thinks it is illegal – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

The municipality has collected 500 Ryde electric scooters in two days. The city is one of many that have adopted new regulations on the use of electric scooters. They announced a tender for electric scooters with a contract of two years at a time. Ryde chose not to submit a tender and has not brought in his bicycles either. – We have received a letter from Ryde’s lawyer last week, stating that they believe that the regulations are not valid, and that they have therefore chosen to disregard the order they have been given to remove their scooters by 15 June. This is what Jan Erik Lindjord, head of the area and transport unit in Kristiansand municipality, says. Therefore, the municipality now takes the matter into its own hands, and places the bikes in stock. The Ryde bikes have marked the street scene in Kristiansand. Now it’s over. Photo: Hans Erik Weiby / news Disagree Ryde’s lawyer and the municipality’s lawyer disagree on whether the municipality’s decision is correct. The municipality believes that Ryde no longer has a permit to operate a rental property in Kristiansand. The municipality had given the company a deadline of 15 June to remove the bicycles. Ryde, on the other hand, believes they have the right to continue operations. But without bicycles it will be difficult. On Monday, the engineering service will go out and pick up more. According to Ryde, they have approximately 1000 electric scooters placed in Kristiansand. And soon another company will roll out its electric scooters in the city. The municipality has collected 500 bicycles. Photo: Han Erik Weiby / news Believes the regulation is illegal Ryde on his part, chose not to submit an offer because they believe the municipality has no authority to make such a regulation. – Ryde has pointed this out both in the consultation inputs and in several letters to the municipality. We have not received a reply back and we have not received any documentation that these regulations are to be legal, says Ryde’s lawyer Anne Christine Wettre. The municipality, for its part, believes they have everything clear. Several cities have adopted new regulations on the use of electric scooters. Photo: Simon Skjelvik Brandseth / news Will go to court Ryde has agreed that the municipality has now started collecting the scooters. – We are quite surprised at how aggressively the municipality is working here, says Wettre. She believes that the municipality itself knows that there is legal uncertainty in the way the regulations are made. Ryde has previously said that they will consider legal action if Kristiansand municipality removes some of their scooters. They will also hold the municipality financially responsible. – We will demand an immediate stop in the removal of the bicycles.
