The municipality and the insurance company are arguing – Elisabeth and the family must bear the costs – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– The insurance company points out that the municipality will be responsible for the first ten days. But from Wednesday, the municipality only took responsibility for a roof over your head and breakfast, and nothing more. Elisabeth Nisamian and her family were evacuated from their house in Hønefoss last Thursday after there had been a landslide on the property as a result of the flood. They had left when the message came, and were therefore not allowed to take anything from the house with them. The family was first evacuated to Sundvolden, where all their meals were covered. On Wednesday this week, they were moved to Klækken Hotell. There they only get breakfast and have to cover all other costs themselves. Now they feel left to fend for themselves. They believe they get little help while the municipality and the insurance company argue about who is responsible. – Running away from responsibility The municipality believes they are only responsible for providing a place to live for the evacuees for the first ten days, and no costs beyond that. They still believe they have been reasonable and gone beyond their legal duties. The insurance companies, in this case Tryg Forsikring, believe that the municipality is responsible for all costs in the first ten days after an evacuation as a result of a landslide. They believe this is not the insurance company’s responsibility. Ole Irgens in Tryg Forsikring believes Ringerike municipality is shirking its responsibility. Photo: Synne Lykkebø Hafsaas / news – The municipality is responsible for finding a place to live and costs for food. Then, in some cases, we have issued compensation for families who have not been able to collect clothes and equipment. But that is outside our terms, says Tryg Forsikring’s communications manager, Ole Irgens. Irgens believes that the municipality is running away from its responsibility, and is surprised by the position. – We are amazed at the attitude of the municipality. We feel that they are trying to run away from a clear responsibility they have to take care of their own evacuees. Done more than required Ringerike municipality believes this is wrong. Mats Øieren replies in an e-mail to news that they only have a legal obligation to provide accommodation for a maximum of ten days for racial danger evacuees. Furthermore, he writes that the municipality has covered all food for the evacuees in hotels in the first acute phase, even though this is not something the municipality was obliged to do. Food is something the individual would have had to cover themselves anyway, if they had not been evacuated, says Øieren. Mats Øieren, communications manager in Ringerike municipality, believes that the evacuees themselves must receive financial help through their insurance company. Photo: Gaute B. Iversen / Ringerike municipality In addition, the municipality has covered breakfast beyond the first acute phase. This also goes beyond the obligations incumbent on the municipality, he writes. Finally, Øieren points out that they have a great understanding of the difficult situation that many have found themselves in. He believes that they have tried to look after those affected by, among other things, offering cover for meals. Looking for someone to take responsibility After news has made contact, Tryg Forsikring states that they will cover costs for meals that the municipality does not cover. Insurance companies add that they have not received any claim from Elisabeth’s family. They also claim that this applies to evacuation from homes that are not damaged, but which have been evacuated due to the risk of flooding or landslides. – That we should submit a specific claim for something they say they are not responsible for is impossible for us to know. We have also reported the landslide that occurred on our property – with pictures, Elisabeth replies. Elisabeth Nisamian with her stepson Emil at the Sundvolden hotel earlier this week. She hopes that someone will take responsibility soon. Photo: Caroline Bækkelund Hauge / news While the municipality and the insurance companies argue about who is responsible in this case, Elisabeth and the family are left with large extra costs that no one will cover. They have received a lump sum of NOK 5,000 to cover all the clothes and equipment they did not take with them when they were evacuated. Among other things, it will cover equipment for the children who play handball and school bags, which they have had to replace from their own pockets. In addition, a dinner at the Klækken hotel costs around NOK 2,000 for a family of five, far more than it would cost to cook both lunch and dinner at home. She calls for someone to take responsibility. – Someone must be able to cover food costs and the most necessary equipment and clothing. Our children must be able to go to school with a backpack and go to handball practice with shoes, concludes Elisabeth Nisamian.
