The municipal dispute in Kristiansand will be a topic in the metropolitan network – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– KS Storbynettverk believes the government must immediately end the investigation into Kristiansand municipality to be divided. It is an unacceptable overthrow of local democracy, the network writes in a statement. On Friday, mayors and city council leaders in the country’s largest cities gathered for a meeting of the metropolitan network in the municipal sector’s interest organization (KS). The heated dispute over municipal dissolution in Kristiansand was among the topics. Read the full statement from the network at the bottom of the case. – Disrespectful The metropolitan leaders call the government’s interference a “sensational break with the Hurdal platform”. The debate started on 7 June. Then the government opened up for residents of the former Søgne and Songdalen municipalities to get a referendum on whether they want to be seceded from Kristiansand. The City Council of Kristiansand voted on the matter before Christmas. Then they decided to keep the large municipality. Jonas Gahr Støre has no comment on the statement from the metropolitan network, and refers to the Ministry of Local Government. Separation from Kristiansand was among the election promises of the Center Party and Trygve Slagsvold Vedum. Photo: Lars Nehru Sand / news Bærum mayor Lisbeth Hammer Krogh (H) is the only one of the big city leaders who does not represent the Labor Party. She calls the case sensational. – This case is fundamentally principled, and that is why it is so serious. That a government can override a democratically made decision by the city council in Kristiansand, the highest body, we just can not have it in the Norwegian administration. – I experience this as disrespectful, she adds. Bærum mayor Lisbeth Hammer Krogh (H) is clear in her criticism of the government’s handling. Photo: Vegar Erstad / news Krogh believes that the support that is now given to Kristiansand from all city leaders has its say. – I understand that the Prime Minister and the Minister will go down on Monday (to Kristiansand journ.anm.) I wonder what news the Prime Minister then has. The city council leaders Raymond Johansen in Oslo and Roger Valhammer in Bergen are also behind the support: – I support the statement that was adopted in KS Storbynettverk. Then the Minister of Local Government, the Prime Minister and the mayor of Kristiansand will have meetings over the weekend to discuss the matter, and I think that is wise, says Johansen (Labor). City councilor Raymond Johansen (Labor Party) in Oslo supports the statement of KS Storbynettverk. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB Believes the situation creates uncertainty Mayor Rita Ottervik in Trondheim uses words such as “sensational” and “meaningless” when she describes the situation in Kristiansand. – Not least, I have thought of the mayor of Kristiansand, who is in a bit of a struggle. But he should know that here we support him around the country, she says to news. Ottervik emphasizes that she is neither a supporter of a forced merger nor a forced division. – I believe that here one must have respect for local democracy. Trondheim mayor Rita Ottervik (Labor Party) sits in the metropolitan network, and has given her full support to Jan Oddvar Skisland and the city council in Kristiansand. Photo: Ole Martin Wold / NTB The Labor Party mayor believes that the handling helps to create uncertainty also for other municipalities that have been through a merger, about what the future will be like. – I hope the government listens well to what the city council in Kristiansand thinks, what the local democracy says in the case, and puts this aside. Appreciates the support Kristiansand mayor Jan Oddvar Skisland says that it is very good to get support in what he experiences as a very demanding and difficult case. – I feel that it is a good confirmation that it was right to be as clear as we have been in this case. – And then there is also a confirmation that it creates unrest when local political decisions are reviewed in this way, he adds. According to Skisland, the message came from his own government like lightning from clear skies. Now the Labor mayor is standing firmly against his own party leadership. – We thought we were done with this case and that we had good backing on this, says Labor mayor Skisland in Kristiansand. He has received support from both local politicians and residents, and today more people joined. Photo: Tor Erik Schrøder / NTB – On Monday, Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre will come to Kristiansand. What will be your main message to him? – It is to convey that this has created an incredible amount of frustration with us. We have to have a round on how it could happen, but otherwise we have to think about how we can move forward. Political editor: – Serious for Støre Political editor Vidar Udjus in Fædrelandsvennen says the statement from the metropolitan network is serious for Jonas Gahr Støre. – After the statement, the municipal case has become even bigger for Støre and the government, he says to news. Udjus believes there are high expectations for what the prime minister has to give when he arrives in the southern village on Monday. – If he comes empty-handed to Kristiansand, then there may be new uproar. Fædrelandsvennen’s political editor says mayors around the country now clearly state that they are afraid that something similar could happen in other counties and municipalities. Photo: Thomas Sommerset / news Udjus emphasizes that it will be a huge downturn for the Center Party if the government moves back to the start. – It could threaten Sp’s participation in this government, because they see this as one of their most important victories. – But to let the decision stand, can also not be a viable path for the Labor Party as the situation has developed, he adds. Fears of flight of competence In the statement, the network emphasizes that they are concerned about what a municipal division will entail in terms of unnecessary use of resources, loss of production and burdens on the working environment. They also fear recruitment challenges and skills flight from the municipality. Read the full statement here: KS metropolitan network reacts strongly to the government’s review of municipal decisions KS Metropolitan Network believes the government must immediately end the report on Kristiansand municipality to be divided. It is an unacceptable overthrow of local democracy. There is also a sensational breach with the Hurdal platform, which has linked a national decision on dissolution to the municipal council itself requesting it. Kristiansand City Council has decided that the municipality does not want to reverse the municipal merger from 2020. KS Storbynettverk reacts strongly to the government not only deciding that a referendum should be held, but also that it signals in advance that the city council’s conclusion does not mean anything. If the state jumps over the city council and actually forcibly dissolves the municipality, it is also not in line with the trust reform, which signals increased trust in local democracy. KS Storbynettverk is concerned about what a possible division of municipalities will entail from unnecessary use of resources, loss of production, burdens on the working environment, recruitment challenges and skills flight. The purpose of the KS metropolitan network is attention and political impact for the cities’ special challenges. Jan Oddvar Skisland is the leader of the committee in the metropolitan network. Members: City Councilor in Oslo Municipality, Raymond Johansen (Labor Party) Mayor in Trondheim Municipality, Rita Ottervik (Labor Party) Mayor in Bærum Municipality, Lisbeth Hammer Krogh (H) City Councilor in Bergen Municipality, Roger Valhammer (Labor Party) Mayor in Tromsø Municipality, Gunnar Wilhelmsen (Labor Party) Mayor of Stavanger Municipality, Kari Nessa Nordtun (Labor Party) Mayor of Drammen Municipality, Monica Myrvold Berg (Labor Party)
