The municipal director resigns after a child welfare scandal – news Vestland

30 November 2022 at 18:06 Municipal director resigns after child welfare scandal Tommy Johansen is resigning as municipal director for the City Council Department for Child Protection and Social Services in Bergen, the municipality reports. A serious failure in child protection in Bergen has been uncovered, and at the beginning of October the city council resigned as a result of the scandal. In the past, the director of child protection has also resigned. Johansen will take up a position as a special adviser in the City Council’s department for finance, business and property after the New Year. City council leader Rune Bakervik (Ap) confirms to BT that there is disagreement between the parties. The municipality writes that systematic work has been put in place to carry out urgent improvements and that this work continues with full force. – It is important that work continues with the good work that has been done. This is decisive for Bergen to be a safe and good city for children and young people, says Tommy Johansen.
