The motorcycle club Prospect19 South East will establish itself in a closed kindergarten in Færder – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

The motorcycle club Satudarah’s desire to settle in Eastern Norway has worried the police for several years. Now the sub-club Prospect19 South East will establish itself in Færder. The club has already started renovating and furnishing the old kindergarten building at Skallestad. Moving into a kindergarten Spokesperson, Ole Reidar Holtsdalen, says they know that they may not be allowed to stay. – A little money is spent on painting and decor. So losing that money every time is sour, but now we have decided to have this motorcycle club, so then it will be like that, says Holtsdalen. WILL REMAIN: Spokesman for the club Ole Reidar Holtsdalen believes motorcycle clubs have an undeserved bad reputation. Photo: Mads Thygesen / news According to Holtsdalen, the goal is to create a social place, where people can meet to talk about bicycles and nonsense. – There will be rooms where the audience can be in. Sit down to drink coffee and soft drinks, and talk about motorcycles and everything else that occupies people. They want to build a workshop inside the kindergarten building, where they can put on their bikes. That’s the big dream. But the future is uncertain. – If the municipality does not make a lot of curls, then we can stay here. If not, we have to move again, says Holtsdalen. The club has already moved once from Tønsberg, after they were thrown out of the premises just before the summer. OLD KINDERGARTEN: The former kindergarten at Skallestad has now become the motorcycle club Prospect19 South East’s new clubhouse. Photo: Mads Thygesen / news Does not want the club to gain a foothold Mayor of Færder municipality Jon Sanness Andersen says the club must apply for a change of use of the building to be allowed to be there. BEHIND THE POLICE: Jon Sanness Andersen, mayor of Færder municipality, says they stand behind the police in the case. Photo: Philip Hofgaard / news It is basically only suitable for daycare operations. – Things like this are regulated today, it’s not okay to have a clubhouse in a kindergarten. – Are you going to say no to a change of use? – The case comes to political consideration, but I think the political environment will do that. I have not received any signals about anything else. But first there must be an application from their side. Right now they are renovating a building that is not regulated for clubhouse operation. Sanness Andersen says he does not want the motorcycle club to gain a foothold in the municipality. – Appears as criminals The police do not want that either. The club was not wanted in Tønsberg, and it is not welcome in Færder either, says crime boss Knut Erik Ågrav. – The police do not want these one percent clubs to establish themselves with clubhouses in the municipality. It is the same with this club as with other one percent clubs, says Ågrav. NOT WELCOME: Knut Erik Ågrav, crime boss in Tønsberg does not want to welcome this motorcycle club or other one percent clubs. Photo: Henrik Bøe / news – Why does the club not get a chance? – I think maybe these clubs have been given chances, and they appear more as organized criminal networks than as motorcycle clubs, he says. news has been in contact with homeowner Morten Klæstad. He does not wish to comment on the matter. – Not a criminal club Holtsdalen disagrees that their club is criminal. He admits that not everyone in the club has been God’s best child, but says it belongs to the past. – No, I mean you can not say that a club is criminal. It can be individuals who are criminals, not the clubs. That they should beat everyone over a comb I think is bad. – Do you understand that people are skeptical of you? – Absolutely. There has been a lot of writing about motorcycle wars and lots of other things in the years that have passed. But I think there are so many other clubs, such as car enthusiasts. So why hang out in motorcycle clubs, says Holtsdalen. When it comes to applying for a change of use, it is not something the club has thought about. – We did not expect to have to apply for a change of use. The building has been used as both a home and a kindergarten. So that’s enough to get a lawyer to look into it. Photo: Mads Thygesen / news
