The mother of the murdered 22-year-old chastises the police – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

– Witnessing the murder of her own son is an inhumane experience, and she is now receiving the necessary follow-up from the healthcare system. That’s what Hanne Wold Johansen at Elden Advokatfirma says, who is a lawyer assisting the bereaved. Questioned by the police on Friday The deceased’s mother was questioned by the police yesterday, and explained what she witnessed on the night of last Monday. As previously discussed by news, the mother stood as a helpless witness outside the apartment where her son was killed. The killed 22-year-old is originally from Agder. Through the windows, she saw her son being beaten repeatedly with a bat by his girlfriend. The 18-year-old woman is now charged with the murder. The mother has also explained to the police what happened in the hours before the murder when she was in contact with her son. Called the police from the emergency room Just hours before the murder, the young couple visited the emergency room in Porsgrunn in the wake of a violent incident between them. From the emergency room, the 18-year-old called the police operations centre, but the call did not lead to the police moving out. – They went to the emergency room together. The accused eventually went home and the 22-year-old came home a little later, police inspector Odd Skei Kostveit told news on Friday. Police Inspector Odd Skei Kostveit. Photo: news He also confirmed that the 22-year-old was picked up by his mother at the emergency room. – The mother picked up the victim at the emergency room, he drove to the apartment and waited outside while the 22-year-old entered the apartment. – Didn’t get help when he asked for it According to the welfare lawyer, the bereaved react strongly to the fact that their son didn’t get help from the police on Sunday when he asked for it. news has previously been able to say that the Bureau has been notified to assess the police’s decision not to intervene. Police inspector Kostveit did not want to comment on the claim that the murdered 22-year-old should have asked the police for help on Saturday morning. So far, the police have only confirmed that it was the 18-year-old charged with murder who contacted the police operations center at 10pm last Sunday. On Saturday, news tried to get in touch with police chief Ole B. Sæverud in the South-East police district to get a comment on the criticism from the deceased’s family. The police are silent about the criticism Operations leader Øystein Eikedalen at the Sør-East police district tells news that on Saturday he has been in contact with the police lawyer on duty, who in turn has corresponded with the chief of police. – I have been asked to inform that it would be wrong to comment on this now that we have informed the Bureau of the matter. In that case, it is up to the Bureau to comment on this, says Eikedalen. Public assistance lawyer Wold Johansen will not explain to news what she means by the fact that the murdered 22-year-old did not get help from the police when he asked for it. This is for the sake of a possible investigation by the Bureau. – Strongly affected The next of kin are strongly affected by the thought that the murder could have been avoided, says a press release sent out by Elden Advokatfirma on Saturday morning. Assistant lawyer Hanne Wold Johansen. Photo: Christina Cantero / news – It will be my task going forward to advise the bereaved on whether to pursue the police’s handling of both previous reports of violence and the assessments made by the police in the hours before the murder, says Wold Johansen.
